You did it to yourselves. Government Cracks Down on Vaccinations

in #vaccines6 years ago

I don't know and not sure if it's been said already but you did it to yourselves. The pockets of measles outbreaks are popping up in the US, Canada and in Europe amongst clusters of communities that have a high non-vaccination stance.

Municipalities and state governments are moving to fix that problem. It boils down to lax rules around exemptions and the ability for parents to claim an exception status and still send their kids to public school or in some cases private school. In many families their reasoning is usually sanctioned by evoking the religion exemption. I find it ironic that there are still religious based exemptions.

Source: LexisNexis StateNet Database and the Immunization Action Coalition, Feb. 2018.

Consider this, very few religions oppose vaccination. Hell, the Vatican, if you happen to be Catholic, actually endorses it. I have to say they also do a half decent job and rationalizing it and providing information.

This is especially important for parents, who have a moral obligation to protect the life and health of their children and those around them.

It seems that there are only two religions that actually explicitly denounce vaccination, well wait. Really only one. I was going to include Christian Scientists (don't get me started on the name) but they say the following:

“Rather than quarrel over vaccination, I recommend, if the law demand, that an individual submit to this process, that he obey the law, and then appeal to the gospel to save him from bad physical results.” - Mary Baker Eddy, the founder of the Church of Christ

So, that really only leaves the Dutch Reformed Church who seem to think that vaccination interferes with their communion with God. Oy vey (it should be noted that ultra-Orthodox Jews do not object to vaccination.)

There you have it. Either there's a lot more Dutch Reformers out there claiming exemptions based on religion or a lot of people using a loop hole because too many people are afraid to question someone about their religion, when they check that box off.

A lot of governments are stepping in to clean up the exceptions to allow only medically necessary objections and exemptions. Sounds like home schooling is going to have a bit of an uptake.

If you have an exemption based on "personal belief" of religious belief (better be a Dutch Reformer) would you opt to home school your children rather than if the government removes those exemptions?

~Try the Truth. It can't hurt you.