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RE: Unvaccinated Children Are Healthier: #TeamVaxXed Tour Now Interviewing Unvaccinated Families

in #vaccines8 years ago (edited)

i didn't know steemit was a safe space...

he's posted on like, EVERY reply. he's not looking for discussion, he's looking for a fight.


Who? Me?
Nah, not me, you mean that coldmonkey right.. yes, he is who you're reffering to when you say "he's posted on like, EVERY reply. he's not looking for discussion, he's looking for a fight."
Because it almost seems like jamesc is defending coldmonkey, standing valiantly next to her/his/shillness, because thats where you want to be when JC comes back (LOL).

JamesChrist, listen here man: I don't think that people who post reactionary remarks like "O GAWD YOU ANTIVAXERS, * HOW MANY KIDS IN LEGBRACES DOES IT TAKE" and want to cry "for the chuldren why I downvoted this" have any CONCERN about fraud around vaccines or lest question everything we learn about these vaccines, so stop the bullshit COERCIVE friendliness that is FAKE AS ALL SHIT BRO, you are a fucking FAKE JAMESC, with your FAKE FRIENDSHIT I too see a lot of fraud, thanx for your concern, people shouldn't be mean to assholes with an opinion, instead they should bend over backwards to offer them arguments to the contrary, again, and again, and again, and again, because thats what's fucking sensible, fake and laughably ineffective at swaying assholes.

Did coldmonkey deserve me laughing at her? Or should have I censored myself and played nice, because that's what we do here on steemit, we don't badger and tease the shills, we don't cause anybody any undue emotional harm with words, with MENTAL SOUNDS in your own voice which cannot be unheard like AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAAHH, no there was never any TOS signed or agreed to when I came onto steem, it was "here you go, its FREE". Here we don't censor ourselves and I won't sit by while they throw their indignatious tone around and give any credence to their story, who the fuck cares about your stupid ass dick ass friend and his parents, the internet? Fuck you, Who the fuck gives a rats ass that you believe he suffered from polio or that you lived through the POLIO days, you fucktard unquestioning bafoon asshole.

*is that even a proper sentence, How many children in leg braces are needed(why bother finishing that thought, we all get it, you work for the vaccine industry, can't bring in facts like "look this is a picture of the virus isolated from polio cultures" no you can't because it was never isolated because even isolating the viruses has been a myth.

yes, i was speaking about coldmonkey. he's been fucking with other things i'm a part of as well... maybe a paid troll?