Educate Before You Vaccinate!
If you consider yourself part of the "truth" community then there is a good chance you are also an anti-vaxxer. I know from my own experience I dabbled in pretty much every subject when I first woke up. I could not, and still cannot absorb enough knowledge. I have an undying thirst for it. But not until recently did I start gaining knowledge with this vaccine debate. This past January I became a mother again, for the fourth time. I have four healthy (and beautiful I might add) little boys - Dominic 11, Eli 5, Lucas 2, Anthony 2 months. Unfortunately I was lacking knowledge (and was also very naive) when I was in my 20s. So Dominic is fully vaccinated (by CDC standards). Eli and Lucas and fallen behind schedule (again, according to the CDC). And now I have the dilemma of my newborn baby, Anthony. I know right from wrong, butI chickened out while we were in the hospital and I let them shoot him up. I know, I know. I feel horrible, sick to my stomach over this. I have to live with that and so does Anthony. I have prayed that there will be no long term issues because of my poor judgement. I have asked Our Lord to please not punish my son for my bad choice. I also promised him I plan on making a better choice - starting NOW.
I was always weary of vaccines. I always thought to myself why on Earth do we need a vaccine for chicken pox? I had chicken pox as a child and it was not that bad. And to my knowledge I do not believe it is a life threatening disease. I also always knew that not all vaccines work. Years ago, my nephew was visiting us over summer vacation and he had come down with Whooping Cough. I checked with his mother and she did confirm for me that he was 100% vaccinated. So that told me right there that not all vaccines work on everyone. But my thought process was immediately stopped when I was told the benefits outweigh the risks. Fast forward a decade and I now know that it is quite the opposite. The RISKS outweigh the BENEFITS.
Fun fact - did you know that prior to 1963 (prior to vaccinations) you were just as likely to die from a lightning strike as you are from dying from the measles?
Tomorrow is Anthony's 2 month check-up and my pediatrician is planning on giving him multiple vaccines. The 2 month check-up scheduled vaccines are:
DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis)
Hib (haemophilus influenzae type b)
IPV (polio vaccine)
PCV (pneumococcal conjugate vaccine)
HBV (hepatitis B)
RV (rotavirus)
Bu, this time around, I am armed with knowledge and most importantly - FACTS. I am ready to go up against my pediatrician. I will not chicken out this time. I am nervous as hell though, but I know it is the right thing to do and I also know that God has my back. He would not give me anything I cannot handle.
One of the points I plan on arguing is the use of adjuvants in vaccines. Mike from On Point Preparedness (on YouTube) was very helpful in bringing this ingredient up so I have to give him the credit. In his short, ten minute video he explained what adjuvants are and how they work. Adjuvants are "helpers" in the vaccine. They aide in the long term effects of the vaccine. The adjuvants used are metals. (Similar to the metals being sprayed in our skies!) He also sighted a study by Chris Shaw, PhD. The study was looking at how the use adjuvants such as aluminum hydroxide in vaccines effects motor and cognitive skills in mice. His study showed a significant difference in the mice vaccinated on the recommended CDC guidelines vs the non-vaccinated mice. I suggest you check out that video by Mike. (Disclaimer - I am not a medical professional. I am simply citing information I have learned and suggest you do the research as well).
The reason I believe the argument of adjuvants is so important is because when metals are injected (not ingested) into our bodies it could lead to auto immune disease and disorders. None of us want any of those now or later in life. Although big pharma wouldn't mind :)
If you are an anti-vaxxer, congratulations. In my opinion, you have made a very wise choice. If you are pro-vaccines or on the fence, maybe some of the things I have mentioned here today might be helpful to you. I would be filled with joy If I could point someone in the direction of the rabbit hole because I know once they get to the top of the hole, I know they will jump right in! Education and knowledge is the most important thing. Educate before you vaccinate. Ask yourself, are vaccines really worth it? If vaccines worked - would the United States have the number one infant and maternal mortality rate in the world? Did you know the United States is 34th in the world for chronic disease? And the United States is number one in vaccinating. That just doesn't add up to me. And in my opinion, overall, the science just isn't there. Did you know medical professionals receive "incentives" for completing a vaccine schedule? Did you know regular medical professionals are only taught the basics of immunology in medical school?
If you would like to do some research yourself, which I suggest you do, here is a list of some things worth looking up:
Dr. William Thompson - CDC Whistleblower
Dr. Suzanne Humphries - (and she is all over
Mike Adams, The Health Ranger -
Dr. Ted Broer -
A list of vaccine ingredients - from the CDC web site: ( & Andrew Wakefield)
Just to name a few! The reading material is endless. The more we can arm ourselves with knowledge, the better off we will be. We will then pass this knowledge off to our children and keep the truth movement going into the next generation. (Oh, another fun fact - the first anti-vaxx group started in the late 1800s due to the small pox vaccine).
I will let everyone know how I make out at the doctor's tomorrow. Thanks for reading!!
That's why I am very wary of getting vaccine. I am a breast cancer survivor and here in Australia you get the flu vaccine for free if you've had cancer. My doctor keeps urging me to take the flu vaccine but I am telling him "No." Take courage to go against the masses. Good job!

Thank you! And congrats on beating cancer. Don't give into to the pressure. I got so much back last from my OB when I was pregnant for not getting the flu shot. But I stood my ground on that one. Here is another link to a very informational series on YouTube. It covers everything from A to Z regarding vaccines. I forgot to include it in the previous post.