Before Our Voice Is Gone For Good - Please share this

in #vaccines6 years ago

DEAR MOM ... a Video That Should Go Viral

We live in a world where the standard of care includes mandatory vaccinations, the number of which is increasing at an alarming rate. Now Pinterest, one of the largest social media platforms on earth, is silencing anyone who dares to question vaccines or suggest natural and holistic approaches to better health.

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After learning about this irrational stance that Pinterest has taken I came across an amazing talk given by James Corbett.

The Net Is Mightier Than The Sword a TED Talk by James Corbett

So since Pinterest supports censorship and restricts vaccine search results....... I have deleted my Pinterest account and I ask everyone on that social media platform who believes in informed consent to do the same!

Image Source


Thank you! I've been researching and writing about the dangers of vaccines for quite some time now so I'm familiar with the data. BUT this needs to be heard- the mother's perspective! We can quote doctors and statistics until the cows come home, but the testimony of these ladies is powerful. It will certainly go into my next post on vaccines.

I totally agree the mothers and fathers of vaccine injured children as injured by vaccines too. They must live with the consequences of their failure to protect their children from something that they were told is safe. My heart goes out to them because of the burden they must carry.

I couldn't have said it better! There's another video that Del Bigtree produced yesterday, it also features parents of children hurt by vaccines- this one is about 1 1/2 hrs long.


Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Whaterver. I asked that question thinking about the M.A.D.D. (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) advertising campaign. Do you think this would have the same impact?

I commend you for your principled stance on informed consent, censorship, and refusing to be part of a platform that prevents the former via the latter.


Thank you, I realize that I am only one person leaving Pinterest but if this message encourages one other and a chain of events occurs then perhaps a loud message will be sent.

RE STEEMED!!! Thanks for sharing!
So far all my Anti-Vaxx memes are still there that I have saved. I've got them saved to my computer too so when they get taken down I will still have them :-).

That was smart on your part. I communicated with the Pinterest team via email several times encouraging them to respect the value of freedom of speech and they are simply not on board with that. They said they have the ability to control the narrative and they will do just that. How sad that the US is no longer the land of the free.

America hasn't been the land of the free for the past 150 years! It goes all the way back to the Civil War. I've connected all the dots. All this talk about another Civil War HA HA, we STILL are at war! What happened was the banksters killed Lincoln and then stepped in and became the government. They turned what was our lawful form of government into a privately owned for profit Neo Nazi corporation. Which is beyond treason! They've been hiding this truth for so long but now the cat is out of the bag and SHTF.

As an activist I'm wanting to start a movement to unincorporate the states starting with Arkansas. Which is why I say I'm a political prisoner in training because that is the risk of living free anymore. I've rescinded all forms of government issued forms of identification. Free men don't have no government issued form of identification. I made my own Common Law ID. I even went as far as signed up for the World Passport because I don't have a country. My country is the world! A WWII Vet named Garry Davis started this back in 1947. Obama even has one! Eventually I do plan on one day signing up for the State Citizen passport. But for now it is fun whipping out the World Passport as my only form of ID. It fucks with so many peoples heads HA HA. Sometimes I like being carded as a result.

I live in my own free state inside my body. And as a mere mortal living in the USSA I'm an American refugee. My country has been taken over by a lawless de-facto New World Order Neo Nazi corporation posing as government in my free country. That is the real truth! Which is why as a joke I say I'm "in training" because I haven't been captured or mysteriously killed yet HA HA. I have been kidnapped once for traveling already when I still lived on the west coast a few years ago. One day soon with the help of cryptos I'm hoping to one day soon get back on the road traveling again in my new Sovereign Mobile.

If there is no victim there is NO crime. Which is why I say, "do no harm but stand your ground."

WOW I hope you go down in history as the man who changed the world!!

Just as soon as I get me a life insurance policy. Then I plan on getting back out there in the streets again. That way I can encourage these tyrants to kill me LOL. I got some ideas for protests that I want to start.

My goal is to find other Sovereigns out there that have rescinded their drivers license's going stateless. We unincorporate by unincorporating ourselves and all our friends and neighbors. Which leads to unincorporating your cities, and then the whole state.

This is why as an activist I refuse to be a cop watcher. Yes I hate these BlueISIS trans-nazi scumbags we call cops. But I want to get to the root of the problem! The root is unincorporating. You unincorporate the whole state and you just killed every cop in the state without having to shed ONE drop of blood. That is the only "non-violent" solution to all our problems. It isn't left vs. right, it is the State vs. YOU! And I used to have a bumper sticker that said this.

I'm a student of Dean Clifford and Druanna Wails. Both have Steemit accounts but they never use them. I'm a member of Dean Clifford's private society, the Earth Stewardship Cooperative. I don't know how much you know of either of these people but I can tell you from my own experience that they are the real deal. I've spent the last several years of my life trying to figure this stuff out.

As far as Steemit goes I've been here almost a year now. The first month I was kicked out of Information War for being "too radical." They called me an agent provocateur. I called them out for being Tide Pod eating faktriots. As a result I don't join groups on here anymore. I declined membership twice for the Steemit Silver Gold group but they kept insisted on me joining so I finally gave in.

I saw this video today for the first time too.
I hope that every new mother gives it a listen.

I have shared it every where I could, it sends a powerful message. Censorship is becoming a reality, the words we choose right down to our philosophical beliefs. The only way it can be stopped is if people wake up! Healthy People 2020 is right around the corner and the end target is mandatory vaccines cradle to grave.

Let's hope that Steemit never follows suit. (I do have my doubts.)

If these other social media platforms keep up the censorship push, we all should benefit here from their refugees.

You should, you've been flagged enough!

lol...Ain't that the truth!

Hey small potatoes.

(I've read Foxe's Book of Martyrs...)

As I said, we need to speak up while we can and try to reach the hearts and minds of as many people as possible. I personally believe in freedom of choice and I respect the choice that someone may make to get a vaccine and I expect that my choice to abstain from receiving a vaccine should be respected as well.

Right, and of course, I agree. Unfortunately, we are being run by a technocratic elite steeped in Malthusianism.

I would like to draw your attention to a reply that I made below on my post. I tallied the numbers of reported injuries and deaths listed on the VAERS site. Please feel free to share that information far and wide. Be well.

Thanks. I'll take a look...

I imagine it will be easy for pharma shills to just flag everyone on here. Mewe is another back up I have. They can't stop us, even by word of mouth we will keep going. :)


In terms of the video do you think that it's passing on information about vaccinations or attempting to appeal to an emotional response rather than an informed response?