RE: I'll take my natural immunity 🖼 any day over vaccines💉
Appeal to fear is not the the path to logic, and is not the path to knowledge. Being stampeded into acting against self interest, by fear of authority, or fear of death is not the path to health or life. Everyone must be free to make their own decisions and their own mistakes. The choices here seem to inevitably boil down to individual potential for success, or enforced failure by mandate of authority, and/or manipulation by moneyed interests. I'll take my chances that my intelligence and knowledge will keep me safer than the corrupt and bumbling state.
Quite a few parents relied on vaccination only to have it turn perfectly healthy children into vacant zombies. Hygiene and sanitation have accomplished all of what the vaccination promoters have taken credit for. Results are the most desirable destination. This 'modern medicine', of which you speak, is not modern at all but is archaic, regulatory controlled, and soon to be mandated, poison that demonstrably harms and kills (see: iatrogenic death statistics). Better, safer, and cheaper technologies exist that are readily available, but illegal to promote due to the regulatory capture under which we live today.
Lumping fear together with logic and knowledge is unnecessary and is undesirable in the pursuit of wisdom related to health. Fear and logic are nowhere near the same and should rarely be related together.