Samoa Stops MMR Vaccination After 2 Babies Die Within Minutes of Being Injected

in #vaccines7 years ago

On July 6th, two 1-year-old Samoan children died within minutes of being vaccinated with the MMR vaccine at Safotu Hospital in Savaii, Samoa.

Parents of the first child spoke with Samoan TV1 and said their daughter, Lannacallystah Samuelu, died within 3 minutes of being injected with the MMR vaccine by a nurse.

The second family arrived at the hospital within 2 hours of the first baby's death. The mother heard about the death of the first baby, and refused to allow her son to be vaccinated. The mother says the nurse ignored her refusal of consent and administered the MMR vaccine anyways. Her son, Lameko Siu, was dead within minutes as well.

Later that day, Dr. Take Naseri of the Ministry of Health ordered all MMR vaccinations to stop and have all remaining vaccines seized. A full investigation was then ordered. A forensic autopsy is being done to try to determine the official cause of death.

Samoan Prime Minister Tuilaepa Lupesoliai Dr. Sailele Malielegaoi made a statement expression his condolences for the loss of the children. The PM mentioned how he has experiences vaccine injury within his own family. His grandson was injured, saying he "almost lost one of my grandsons". The grandson lives, but "lost the ability to speak."

As a grandfather and father, I can relate to the grief by the families for their loss.
I also almost lost one of my grandsons several years ago under similar circumstances.
But with the Grace of our Father in Heaven, my grandson survived with the proper treatment. But he will never be the same as he has lost the ability to speak.
As Prime Minister, I have called a full inquiry into the circumstances leading up to this devastating incident which I do not take lightly.
There are already processes that will determine if negligence is a factor. And if so, rest assured those processes will be implemented to the letter to ensure that such a tragedy will not be repeated and those responsible will be made to answer.
The deaths also reaffirm the desires behind the government to proceed with the merger between the National Health Services and the Ministry of Health at full speed. When completed, the merge will ensure that incidents of this nature will not be repeated. It is a message to our people that deaths of the two young infants are not in vain.
Providing quality health care for our people remains a key government priority.

The Office of the Director General Health issued a press release later the next week, saying they were bringing in help from "a Forensic Pathology team from Melbourne, Australia, to support the Government in the forensic work that will contribute to the evaluation of the deaths."

The Ministry of Health has issues a temporary suspension of the vaccine for now. They say the vaccine is assessed for safety by the WHO. The vaccine they had arrived in Samoa in August 2017:

Samoa procures a 5 dose vial MMR vaccine through UNICEF. The vaccine is a WHO prequalified MMR vaccine, which means that it is regularly assessed for safety and quality. This particular vaccine batch lot arrived to Samoa in August 2017 and has been in use since then.

Despite the incidence in Samoa and others in the world regarding vaccine injury from MMR, Dr. T Naseri iterated how important vaccines are and to maintain confidence in their safety:

A number of media outlets are already covering these tragic events, speculating on the cause of death before the investigation is completed, and the stories have been picked up by the anti-vaccination movement.
The health of our children relies on trust in national immunization program, and your efforts to maintain confidence in the safety of vaccines are critical.

Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

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When you get to the news that the rich and the politically connected actually are offered safer vaccines is when the reality of how ugly the vaccine schedule is becomes clear. Vaccine science is one of the great advancements in human history, but it is irresponsible to believe they are a one-size-fits-all solution. The toxic adjuvants and the failure to take different genetic predispositions and how they will react to vaccines into account is only the tip of the iceberg. Thank you for bringing this piece of news to my attention, critical contribution!

Good point. They often make things better for themselves while promoting the crappier alternative as fine for everyone else. Food is safe to eat, meanwhile I'll eat my organic plants and u can have poison...

This is a huge issue with MMR. It harms boys more so than girls usually. It’s 3 vaccines in 1 and has live cultures in it. This should be given as late as possible if parents choose to give it, to make sure it has the least chances of harms to the children. Most places allow until 2 years of age. Either way this vaccine needs to be administered with care and people should know the risks.

Yes, it's all too willy-nilly to be giving it so carelessly. Then it's too late when a negative reaction forms... the damage is done...

Exactly right! Whats really interesting is that in the past this 3 in 1 shot was available to be given as 3 separate shots. During this practice there were much less complications and issues. Than something changed, either they wanted to make more money and faster by doing 3 shots in 1, or something much more nefarious is going on? Either way autism and other issues are skyrocketing and something needs to be done. Good to bring this topic to ll your followers!

Oh my goodness .... this is terrifying and so tragic. My heart goes out to the family, I can’t imagine...

It’s scary stuff, why do hey give these vaccines.. is it worldwide I wonder. I would have thought Samoa May have not had such a strict vaccine law due to their history. My friend recently had a child in Canada and said he reluctantly only gave certain vaccines. We should have a choice.

Why are humans so strange that we NEED vaccines from birth? Maybe we just aren’t right for this earth and need to have different chemicals pumped into us in order to live in a world we do not truly belong, or, there is some kind of system being placed in from birth to try and keep us obeying and brain dead. I don’t know what to think anymore

“Or, there is some kind of system being placed in from birth to try and keep us obeying and brain dead”

This seems most likely 👆 to me

I think the latter is more likely :/

Yea me too.... :/

The scariest part is they keep coming up with new vaccines. I read a few years ago that some of the states were mandating children get the vaccine for HPV. One has to wonder at what point the acceleration of damage will occur with all that mercury being injected in the kids too.

Yes, mercury, aluminum, but hey, those things are great for the brain don't ya know :P

Horrible news, let's hope people learn from it.

This news is very sad and regrettable, I accompany the pain that the family has. Even with the negative results that this vaccine produces, so many deaths in children and even then there are no alternatives to replace it. Because the laboratories do not answer, what is happening?

Wow this is terrifying and very sad. My heart and condolences goes out to the families effected.

My daughter is due for her vaccinations in a few weeks and the possibility of adverse side-effects has been a concern for me. I've been doing research on the vaccines administered and I believe everyone should! Better safe than sorry.

Eeek, I hope you make the right choice...

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What company makes the vaccine?

I don't know, it came from the WHO...

Omg , this is so shocking and scary . Those poor babies , I wonder if there was any corruption involved , or maybe contamination .. oh god..I don't know what to even think....

Yeha, maybe it was just a really bad batch...