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RE: Witness Vote Removed: @nextgencrypto. It’s a Shame that Some Individuals are Flagging Content for Mere Difference of Opinion.

in #vaccines7 years ago

sometimes you just gotta say fuck it. i did when i argued the flat earth stuff. the information i have shows that it is true. i'm prepared to be disproven but at this point it seems doubtful. i got downvoted into oblivion in the same manner, for simply not having the same opinion, and these people were posting all this anti-flat earth stuff, so i went in to debate them. that is how you come to truth.

instead of debate, i got slammed, nothing i said was good enough (but they upvoted stupid agreement posts with zero content). i kept going. i kept getting downvoted, i reached a reputation of 15. then someone saw what i was doing and came in and upvoted me and downvoted them. to be honest i was rather upset, but i kept hope that things would change, and they did.

you gotta be prepared for a fight, but keep it clean, never name call, never put them down with fallacies, and always stick to what you know.

personal experience are very valuable to me, tho i'm already convinced vaccines are bad. we are nothing but energy, all is thought, we can fix ourselves by changing our minds about the world.

i hope you realize this, even tho it seems things are irreversable, i'm convinced they are not. just last night i was unable to breathe... i blamed my vaping, but i believe the mental stuff. so i silenced my mind, i just felt where it was tight, i continued to keep my mind on it without judgement. it was hard work keeping my attention on it. but in the end my breathing cleared up, my throat relaxed.

i believe we are all connected to source, we are all powerful creators, and we must remember this so that we can regain what power we truly have to heal ourselves.

least you think i'm completely crazy (which i understand, given materialistic perspective that i once had) .. if you are at all religious, you can look to Jesus who said 'all that i do you can do, and more'


I, oddly enough, appreciate your comment here. I am a rabid 'round Earther'. I have endeavored to undertake discussions with FE'ers, and been astounded at the refusal to engage in substantive debate they evidenced, to the point of writing them all off as disinfo agents.

If you AREN'T simply intent on misleading folks down a barren rabbit hole, I have a post in my back catalog that contains the essence of my rational arguments against a flat Earth. The only reason I engage with you is that I hear you saying you want to know the truth, and I think you'll be different from disinfo agents.

Lemme know if you care to discuss it.


I am also a 'rabid round earther', but respect anyone willing to discuss things properly..

(I have neither the scientific acumen or motivation to really research the subject, tbh).

One point@klevn, mate.

Fractals. aside from the actual FEarth premise, where is there in nature that isn't a fractal?
(fractal - same pattern reproducing itself)

For me, that in itself is enough to validate a global earth. - from atoms to the universe. (and the earth included)
It's a fractalization of round things, going around other round things, in their own orbits, within orbits, etc - you get the picture.

Flat earth just doesn't fit into this natural order of things. Just my take on it, for what it's worth ( which probably isn't

I'd love to discuss it. could you link me what you'd like me to consider? with the holidays it might be a minute, but i'd be happy to engage it. i'm actually really frustrated with what i consider disinformation about what the flat earthers believe. i can sum up my understanding here, and link my stuff later.

  • nasa seems to be fake (have much to back this up)
  • suez canal is completely level over 100 miles (curvature of earth says it would have 80 feet of drop, minimum)
  • gyroscope, on a spinning earth, rotate 360 degrees every twenty four hours.. it would never stay still because we are moving in so many directions, per globe earth theory, but this is not the case... gyroscope, a good one, will remain perfectly still. impossible for globe earth model...

those are my main 'proofs' .. i absolutely believe a huge conspiracy, worth trillions across the globe, is being committed against the people of earth.

yes i believe satellites are in fact weather balloons or drones... i don't have answers to how, but without confirmation there are many possibilities that seem likely.

north and south pole have always been 'computer generated' on weather maps. when i was a kid, they were simply black discs up there covering the poles.. i researched why and found that hiding the poles is actually build into the software that is taking the pictures... now days they 'fake it' so the black discs don't look so obviously that they are hiding something.

take care, and hope you have a wonderful holiday .. (if you live in u.s.a. otherwise have a great day ;)
