The Flu Shot debate? ( not really)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #vaccines7 years ago

In recent years the flu shot has been ever more debated . The effectiveness is questioned, the side effects are a concern. The flu shot is regarded to many as something that only the elderly or persons with a compromised immune system should take. What is the right answer? Should you get the flu shot.

Well the answer is yes, you absolutely should get the flu shot. The flu shot offers protection against the influenza virus. This virus is ever changing and evolving so the flu shots effectiveness has varied through the years. Just because something does not offer 100% protection doest mean the product is bad. I would argue law enforcement officers utilize the "bullet proof" vest fully knowing, that it is in fact, not bullet proof. Even when the bullet is stopped they may suffer broken ribs and internal bleeding. This is how the flu shot works it will stop a variety of flu strains and If you still manage to contract flu like symptoms there is a good chance that your symptoms will have been blunted from the full effect of the influenza virus, just as an officers vest prevented him from death, he still didn't walk away un scaved.

But the flu shot contains mercury!

This is Another argument I hear. If flu shot contains mercury and Mercury is poisonous then the flu shot must also be poisonous. This again is an argument that falls flat at the slightest bit of scrutiny. The ingredient that everyone is talking about is thimerosal. Thimerosal is used in multi use viles to prevent bacterial contamination. It does in fact break down in the body as ethylmercury which the body can process. The mercury we need to worry about is methylmercury. this is the toxin that can build up in the body and also associated with consuming large breed fish.

Getting the flu shot will give you the flu.

Once again false. The flu vaccine is comprised of inactivated strains so your body can produce the antibodies to fight it in the future. If you feel lousy after the shot it could be a couple of things.

  1. You may already have the flu. The flu takes about a week to manifest itself in a host and it takes the flu shot two weeks to offer protection. If you feel sick a few days after the shot you were already infected before the shot.

  2. You could be feeling a little tired and week due to the simple fact your body is in overdrive producing all the necessary antibodies required to protect itself from the influenza virus.

herd imunity.gif

You should also get the flu vaccine to keep others healthy. Herd immunity is beneficial for everyone. The more people that protect themselves from the virus the harder it is for the virus to spread. Even if you're a young healthy adult who most likely could combat the symptoms and recover, not getting vaccinated is putting young children and the elderly at risk. Hell your putting yourself at risk. This flu season (2018) a young healthy marathon runner died from the flu and this was not an Isolated incident. This flu season has seen a few young healthy adults who were unable to defeat the influenza virus.

while there are many anti-vaccer arguments there is even more scientific arguments that can corroborate the use of the flu shot. If there are arguments that I have not touched on, and there are many, ( the flu shot causes alztymers, pregnant women shouldn't get it, it lowers your immune system ect.) please comment below so a discussion can take place.

I am confident the science behind vaccines is sound but, with all good science, new information can turn everything here I have said upside down. What I am saying is I am always open to having my mind changed should new studies come out that go against my current thinking.

Thank you for reading and I look forward to the discussion in the comments section below. If you like what you are reading help me out by upvoting and resteaming. It helps get good information out to as many as possilbe.