Injured Teenager, Ava Hughes, SHARES POEM She Wrote about How the VaxXed Movie Affected Her.

in #vaccines8 years ago (edited)

Ava Hughes was injured by vaccines because of Center for Disease Control (CDC) cover-ups and lies.

She wrote a poem to help express herself after seeing VaxXed: From Coverup to Catastrophe, about the CDC Whistleblower and the MMR Vaccine & Autism Coverup.

At about 18-months, Ava developed hand tremors and full body tremors in every muscle, which she still has today. If you watch the video below, you will see how her hands shake as she tries to build with Lego and turn the pages of a book. She developed several other conditions after vaccinations, including some signs of autism, which you can hear the details of if you watch the video interview with Polly Tommey of the VaxXed Team.

You didn't tell us!


I need to know!


Are you a little bit ashamed of telling lies to the crowds?

Are you?

My name is Ava and I'm hurt from the lies you told.

The ...

The lies ...

The lies put ...

The lies put me in ...

The lies put me in therapy ...

... for most of my life.


Do you know how many babies got hurt from your greedy business?

A lot!


You did it just for money?

I honestly hope not!

Please don't let them hurt more people!

Poem & Plea by Ava Hughes

Click ⇝Here to Watch⇜ the Video

(Watch her mom read the poem at the 21-minute mark in the video. Ava weaps as her sincere poetry is read aloud. You can just feel her pain.)

This CDC fraud has to be clearly exposed to the world.

The Whistleblower, Dr. William Thompson, has to be subpoenaed by Congress so that he is able to give his full testimony of the fraud that he was a part of.

The CDC needs to be stripped of responsibility for Vaccine Safety as they are utterly corrupt and are not placing the health of the public and of our children in first place.

I am angry! Are you?

You can read these earlier articles to understand the Fraud at the Centers for Disease Control and the VaxXed Movie.


MMR Vaccine Causes 700% Increase in Autism: Whistleblower Exposes CDC Study Fraud


Dr. Andrew Wakefield - Did he actually prove a link between the MMR Vaccine & Autism?


Dr. Rachael Ross & Dr. Jim Sears FEATURED in VaxXed Movie. Both Convinced of CDC Autism FRAUD.


Little girl giving the VaxXed Tour Bus a Big Hug, after her mom told her that all those names on the bus are people who were injured or died from vaccines.

For More Vaccine Injury Stories Like This One, Visit My Blog And Follow Me: @canadian-coconut

Please Comment Below and Let's Have a Productive Conversation!

I know that this is a very controversial topic ...
but if you care about children as much as I care about children...
surely we can all be civil and help each other discover the best way forward for all our children and future generations.


Thank you for sharing my daughter's story. She is a fighter and we couldn't be more proud of her. We will keep spreading the truth. Thank you for helping us do just that.

I'm very pleased that my article about your daughter found its way to you ... and that you joined Steemit. Thank-you for sharing your important story with the world.
I have followed you here on Steemit and hope you might share some insights here.