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in #vaccines8 years ago (edited)

Dr. Suzanne Humphries says that there is no short answer to the "Herd Immunity" Pro-Vax soundbite. As a scientist, she is correct that the scientific answer is long and multifaceted.

(Listen to her Video at the bottom of this page.)

I love talking about the science of vaccination and natural immunity to anyone who is willing to listen.

But I actually do have one very short answer, especially suited for those who don't want to hear any details of my hours upon hours of research.

To the bully who declares to me that ...

"You Must Vaccinate Your Child to Keep My Child Safe."

My Short Answer is This:


Where there is a risk, there MUST be a choice.

Over 4,800 names of Vaccine Injured & Dead are on the VaxXed Bus. These were collected in only a few months on the VaxXed Nation Tour.

Below are just a few of the many vaccine-injury stories that I have posted about on Steemit:

HPV Vaccine Paralyzes Athletic 13-yr-old Colton of Utah


Matthew's VaxXed Story: Chickenpox Virus Infected Spinal Cord & Brain, Causing Permanent Brain Damage


Gardasil Vaccine Causes Girl to Self-Harm and Become Severely Ill


Toddler in Vegetative State within 24 hours of Vaccination: EEG Scan revealed Strokes


Deadly Bleeding Disorder (I.T.P.) Could Have Killed Son - VACCINE ADVERSE-REACTION

The U.S. Court has stated that Vaccines are "Unavoidably Unsafe"

Each vaccine comes with a Package Insert inside the box that your Healthcare Provider is supposed to read over with you concerning the Warnings, Precautions and Adverse Reactions for that particular vaccine. You are entitled to Informed Consent or Informed Denial after reading the shocking list of potential dangers.

Read my article: Did Your Doctor Give You the Required Vaccine Packet Insert? Hands up, please! Nobody? Never Ever? I find that Disturbing.

So back to so-called "Herd Immunity." Laying a guilt-trip on people is a good marketing technique, but I'm not falling for it.

I am NOT responsible for the "Herd." I am responsible for my child. I would be failing my Parental Responsibility if I knowingly put my child at risk of a pharmaceutical drug serious side-effect for a highly debatable perceived benefit to somebody else.

The pharmaceutical companies can not be sued. In Canada, we have no Vaccine Injury Court set up by the government. In the USA, it is extremely difficult and may take years and years to ever be compensated if at all in Vaccine Injury Court. The "Herd" will not step up and take responsibility for my vaccine-injured child as gratitude that my child "took one for the team!"

Even if I could easily sue and be financially compensated for my injured or dead child, I would NEVER want to see my own child hurt for any amount of compensation.

If the so-called "Greater Good" involves Killing & Maiming Children to 'Save' Children, count me OUT!

And in the end, "Herd Immunity" isn't even real when it comes to vaccinations.

I will be discussing the Science behind how FALSE the whole theory of "Herd Immunity" or "Community Immunity" is in future posts, so stay tuned ...

p.s. If you wish to begin your research into the truth behind so-called "Herd Immunity" you could start by listening to the video discussion below.

             Watch This 24-Minute Video
Forrest Maready & Dr. Suzanne Humphries on ...
HERD IMMUNITY: VaxXed Nation Tour

or Click HERE To Watch On YouTube

Dr. Humphries says that this Pro-Vax Soundbite is a total over-simplification. It is Religion on the back of ignorance.

"You need to do your research ... before you start being so judgmental," she says.

Read more at my Blog @canadian-coconut

Please Comment Below and Let's Have a Productive Conversation!

I know that this is a very controversial topic ...
but if you care about children as much as I care about children...
surely we can all be civil and help each other discover the best way forward for all our children and future generations.

Unless society and our responsibility for it ends when we die then claims of herd or societal benefit from the ever-changing vaccination schedule are absolutely ludicrous. Everyone recognises that no long term studies have been done.....none. There is no science beyond the exceedingly short term.....and if the vaccines themselves, the manufacturing process or the schedule continues to change, there never will be. Vaccines have become a religion that requires blind faith and more recently, force. Why? Because it is becoming increasingly clear to everyone that they don't do what they are intended to do, the major players are totally corrupt and they are anything but 'safe.'

If protecting people from disease is the ultimate aim, there are thousands upon thousands of safer, cheaper, more effective, more moral ways to try to do it.

Until the corruption, greed, hubris and harm are removed and vaccination moves from religion to science, vaccination, for the majority of people presents far greater risks than benefits in the short, medium and long term.

thank-you, thank-you!
Well said Benjojo.

Well, your title is one flavor of click bait!! lol .. I'm really glad your willing to put this topic out there uncensored. Some of your posts really rock the ship and cause us to all start talking (on-chain and off-chain). I did say: keep it up! .. and .. Nice work..

I have gathered a while back that whole herd immunity was being mis-represented. Very good to see the video and get some details on how that works. One can always speak more intelligently. We are really fortunate to have the Internet and people willing to research. Not a moment too soon.

Yes, I did consider not posting this one, as it seems more provocative than scientific.
But nonetheless it is true. If someone won't listen to the science or my reasons for avoiding vaccines, than my header is all they really need to know. No way no how! I consider it harm to my child and won't do it! Throw all the guilt trips at me that you want, but it ain't happening!! ... lol ...

As always, thanks again Jamesc!

Another thing I don't understand... What's the danger of Mumps, Measles and the other litany of normal childhood diseases, as compared with the known dangers of the vaccines? I had all of the regular childhood maladies and there's nothing wrong with's just part of growing up. The MMR vaccine has proven to be far more damaging than any of these diseases. Call me crazy, but I'd much prefer Measles to Autism.

I know ... there are so many levels to this debate that it will keep me busy on Steemit posting articles for a long time.
I personally had mumps, measles, rubella and chickenpox as a child, along with my siblings. It was NOT a big deal back then and nobody seemed scared. We did not go to the doctor but just stayed home and recuperated and enjoyed getting a week off of school.
Those normal childhood illnesses were not dangerous in developed countries, and not overly dangerous in undeveloped countries. I know Canada admitted that those vaccines originally were to save money for society by having kids miss less school and parents miss less work, thus a benefit to society. However, it hasn't worked out that way as children are now ill more often, and too often one parent has to quit the workplace to stay home and care for an injured child.

You are not crazy! In fact, there are many health benefits to being exposed to the aforementioned normal childhood illnesses. Children often have a growth spurt afterwards and an improvement in health. For instance, allergies often disappear after measles. And studies have shown that you are at less risk for types of cancer if you have had them. I actually feel badly for my children that they may miss out on these immune system building parts of being a child. I want them to be healthy for life, not think short-sighted and just miss a week of rash & fever as a child.

"Herd Immunity" is just another way of saying they're only marginally effective, at best. This is confirmed by the fact that we see measles outbreaks in 99% vaccinated populations. Not only are they of questionable efficacy, they frequently spread the disease they're supposed to prevent. It's that darned "attenuation" thing. Too much attenuation of the antigen, and it's useless. Not enough and you're infected.

Vaccines are modern day homeopathy, but worse. Instead of being an infinitesimal dose, they're a giant dose of the pathogen they're supposed to prevent/cure. No thanks.

When the truth is finally revealed there will be many people in deep shame for blindly following those with whom they wrongfully placed trust in- I'm embarrassed for them- SMH

I do my part to warn people that this is something they need to take time to investigate before going ahead or continuing on. Many people don't even know that there is a debate on the subject.

We all have to live with the choices that we make for our child. There is no guarantee that we can keep them safe. But we have to satisfy ourselves that we have done the best that we could given the information that we had.

Polly, of the VaxXed Team talks about how she was very, very pro-vax and ignored warnings to not get the MMR for her son, but she thought those people were way off-base and went ahead with it. Her son ended up hospitalized and almost dying the same day, and is now 20-yrs-old and autistic.

She has had to learn to forgive herself. She has the courage to speak out now so that others don't make her mistake. In so many of the interviews she does, the parent of a vaccine injured child is guilt-racked, but she tells them to blame the "experts" who lied to them and that they have to move past that Be Brave and speak out to save others.

So sad- I fear if that happened to me I'd be hunting down some big pharma scumbags.

If people are interested research Viruses never Isolated.