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RE: Fathers Talk About Their Unvaccinated Children and the Unbelievable Differences from Most Kids.

in #vaccines8 years ago (edited)

This was something that the dad said in the video (I don't know if you watched it?) I inserted a few quotes from the video into my article, to give people an idea of what type of things are talked about in the video and encourage them to watch it.

"The Pharmacist asked, is this her first antibiotic? I said, yes. She looked at me like I was an alien, like this was so unheard of that an 8-yr-old had not been on antibiotics several times before!"

The reason that the dad said it was to show how healthy his child is. The pharmacist could hardly believe that an 8-yr-old child had never been on antibiotics before, because pretty much every child gets infections that need antibiotics. In other words, the pharmacist had not seen such a healthy child before! I know that I keep hearing stories of parents who need antibiotics after every round of vaccines, ie at 2 months, 4 months, 6 months, 1 yr, etc. Nowadays regular antibiotic use for babies and children is the new normal.
But this video and my own experiences show that unvaccinated children do not get regular infections that require antibiotics.

Does that make sense?
I'm sorry but I still don't understand why you think that I'm mixing up two unrelated things (vaccinations & antibiotics). I was simply talking about health of children.

p.s. I agree about allowing the kids to crawl around in the dirt, etc. My children have done that too! The thing is that germs are not the real problem. In fact, we need germs to keep us healthy. Thus kids that grow up stepping in cow patties, etc tend to be healthier than those who are always indoors.


And you needed the new cow patties to keep your feet warm on the way to school, in bare feet, in winter, too.

I think her post in easy to understand, I believe she wished vaccines were produced with no side effects.