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RE: Fathers Talk About Their Unvaccinated Children and the Unbelievable Differences from Most Kids.

in #vaccines8 years ago

Hi Len! Thanks for your questions.
If you look over my blog, you will see that I written many articles on the dangerous adverse reactions that vaccinations often cause. Vaccines are a pharmaceutical product that come with a long list of known dangers.

Children today are very sickly compared to the past, as the # of vaccines on the childhood schedule keeps increasing at an incredible pace . As you can see if you listen to this video in the blog, unvaccinated children are the healthiest children around today.

I am working on my next article, which will explain the difference between Germ Theory and Terrain Theory. Stay tuned for that ... but basically the focus should be on keeping a body healthy (plus sanitation, etc) so that the countless number of germs out there can be dealt with efficiently and safely.

There will never be enough vaccines for all the germs, unless you will be willing to inject the 1000 or so vaccines that they may one day invent and try to give to your children.

In my experience and research, the vaccinated are more susceptible to illness. For example, my unvaccinated 3 children were exposed to Whooping Cough when my son's best friend (who was vaccinated) was diagnosed with whooping cough/pertussis. Yet my unvaccinated children did NOT get sick. The vaccinated child got sick! This type of story is very common. Another example is my children were all exposed to chickenpox. My eldest got a normal case of chickenpox. My middle child got only the fever but no spots and recovered quickly. My youngest got ZERO symptoms, even though it was her best friend who had the chickenpox and they played several times. Germs are there to clean up the terrain if it needs cleaning ... so my son needed that virus to boost his immune system and cleanse his body (which it did) and my middle child only needed the fever to cleanse her system ... and the youngest didn't need the virus at that time so showed zero symptoms.
Viruses/germs are there to do a job -- they are the cleanup crew -- they are NOT the enemy.

I am of the age where I had measles, mumps, rubella and chickenpox (no vaccines available in Canada at that time). So did my siblings and friends and NOBODY was afraid of them. We never went to the doctor for it. We enjoyed having time off of school. Those viruses are not dangerous and in fact are an immune system booster. Children often have a growth spurt after getting measles or mumps, and sometimes allergies will disappear afterwards, etc. Studies have shown that people who have had measles or mumps have less chance of getting cancer, etc.

I could go on and on ... there is so much to cover.

Also, the true history of polio and smallpox are not what you think ... but I can't go into all of that here.

As for antibiotics ... yes, they are needed sometimes. The point of this article is that unvaccinated children RARELY NEED antibiotics as they rarely get that sick! On the other hand children today usually have ear infection after ear infection and then subsequent doses of antibiotics. This is NOT NORMAL! This should not be happening to children. My 3 unvaccinated children did not have ear infections!

So it boils down to whether you want an overall healthy child, who can fight off any germs/viruses that come their way ... or do you want to try to avoid all these "vaccine-preventable" illnesses by destroying the general immune system?


You missed my point.
Vacinations and antibotics are different things, designed to do different jobs A saw and a hammer will both break a piece of wood, but shouldn't be lumped together .
If you wish to discuss one of them, do so. When you mix them up you loose your point and sound like BS.
One of the biggest thing modern kids miss out on is crawling around the garden and finding out what worms tase like, etc. Building up natural immunity as we doddery oldies did.
Also from what you are saying, I didn't need all those vacinations and inoculations before being sent into the Malaysian jungle, as I wouldn't have caught cholera, or any of the other 20 odd things we were jabbed for, if my body didn't want to catch it?
Last time you had an injury did you refuse the tetnus jab?

This was something that the dad said in the video (I don't know if you watched it?) I inserted a few quotes from the video into my article, to give people an idea of what type of things are talked about in the video and encourage them to watch it.

"The Pharmacist asked, is this her first antibiotic? I said, yes. She looked at me like I was an alien, like this was so unheard of that an 8-yr-old had not been on antibiotics several times before!"

The reason that the dad said it was to show how healthy his child is. The pharmacist could hardly believe that an 8-yr-old child had never been on antibiotics before, because pretty much every child gets infections that need antibiotics. In other words, the pharmacist had not seen such a healthy child before! I know that I keep hearing stories of parents who need antibiotics after every round of vaccines, ie at 2 months, 4 months, 6 months, 1 yr, etc. Nowadays regular antibiotic use for babies and children is the new normal.
But this video and my own experiences show that unvaccinated children do not get regular infections that require antibiotics.

Does that make sense?
I'm sorry but I still don't understand why you think that I'm mixing up two unrelated things (vaccinations & antibiotics). I was simply talking about health of children.

p.s. I agree about allowing the kids to crawl around in the dirt, etc. My children have done that too! The thing is that germs are not the real problem. In fact, we need germs to keep us healthy. Thus kids that grow up stepping in cow patties, etc tend to be healthier than those who are always indoors.

And you needed the new cow patties to keep your feet warm on the way to school, in bare feet, in winter, too.

I think her post in easy to understand, I believe she wished vaccines were produced with no side effects.