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RE: Vaccine Debate and Critical Thinking

in #vaccines8 years ago (edited)

You have made some great points here. Thank-you!
I just wanted to say though, that some people are not as science minded and thus feel that they can't speak out about their own negative experiences with vaccines because they don't feel fully equipped to counter the arguments.

However, you don't need to be able to quote scientific studies to share your own stories or vaccine injury.
An anecdote still has value.

For example, if you seemed to be the only one with a story of damage caused immediately after a vaccine, even if you were truly one-in-a-million, that doesn't make it incorrect. If an injury happened right after a vaccine it makes no sense to personally continue vaccinating, even if it is safe for most other people, you have to do what is right for your individual situation.

And then, as people start to share what they might have thought was only their experience, they usually begin to find that the same thing has happened to dozens, hundreds, thousands, and even perhaps millions of other people!

That moves it to the category of "Strong Circumstantial Evidence". If it has happened to multitudes of people within a certain space of time after vaccinations, that is evidence of vaccines being a contributing factor to the injury/death.
(See this video interview of the Criminal District Attornery in Texas talk about he could win a court case with the huge amount of Strong Circumstantial/anecdotal Evidence surrounding vaccines.)

Thanks for the effort that you put into this post and getting people to think about the consequences.