Diabetes in Infants - Caused by Vaccination (VaxXed: Stories from the Road)

in #vaccines7 years ago

An infant with Diabetes!!

Christina Coopers daughter, Glena, was diagnosed with Type I Diabetes at only 11-MONTHS-OLD!

Even though they were sure that nobody in their families had Diabetes, the doctor insisted that it was hereditary.

Further testing revealed that the parents did not have the antibodies that can lead to diabetes.

It remained a mystery to the parents as to how their infant had developed diabetes.

PLEASE, Please Watch the 6-Minute Video Below

Diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes at 11-Months-Old

{ Posted to youtube on 2016-12-11 with this description : Christina visits the VaxXed bus while in Fort Wayne, Indiana to share her kids Glena and Grady's vaccine injury stories. Interview by Polly Tommey with camera and editing by Joshua Coleman. }

Type I Diabetes is an auto-immune condition.

Baby Glena's pancreas was attacked by her own immune system.

This little girl must wear an insulin pump all the time. It goes into her body through a cannula in her leg.

This will continue for her entire life!


Vaccination supposedly keeps our children safe, EXCEPT when they cause worse problems than what they are supposed to prevent.

See My Earlier Article Here: Vaccinations Create the Wrong Type of Immune Response: Th2 vs Th1 Cells and Achieving Immunostasis

image source

The medical literature gives us evidence that vaccinations cause many types of auto-immune diseases, including diabetes.

Below are just a couple of examples.

Read the Harris CoulterTestimony:

President, Center for Empirical Medicine before the Congress of the United States, House of Representatives, Committee on Appropriations, subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies April 16, 1997 --- ➷ ➷ ➷ ➷

* Childhood Vaccinations and Juvenile-Onset (Type-1) Diabetes by Harris Coulter, Ph.D *

One small excerpt from the testimony about the DPT vaccine affecting the Pancreas:

The pertussis vaccine includes "pertussis toxin," a toxin secreted by the microbe which causes whooping cough (the Bordetella pertussis). This toxin, which has been described as one of the most virulent poisons known to science, has several names and has a variety of effects on the body.

PERTUSSIS TOXIN AFFECTS PANCREAS - One of the names for pertussis toxin has traditionally been "islet-activating protein," signifying that this substance acts specifically and directly on the "islets of Langerhans," which are the INSULIN-SECRETING PARTS OF THE PANCREAS.

At least since the 1970s, pertussis vaccine has been known in animal experiments to stimulate over-production of insulin by the pancreas followed by exhaustion and DESTRUCTION of the "islets" with consequent UNDER-PRODUCTION OF INSULIN; in the first case the outcome is hypoglycemia, and in the latter it is diabetes.

Physicians as early as 1949 called attention to low blood glucose in children who had severe reactions to the pertussis vaccine.

Dr. Bart Classen, an American Immunologist, has published a connection between Diabetes and vaccination.

"Our results conclusively prove there is a causal relationship between immunization schedules and diabetes. We believe immunization schedules can be made safer," stated Dr. Bart Classen.

Dr. Bart Classen presented data at the International Public Conference on Vaccination on September 10 that VACCINES CAUSE APPROXIMATELY 80% OF CASES OF INSULIN DEPENDENT DIABETES IN CHILDREN who have received multiple vaccines starting after 2 months of life.

Children receive 10 or more vaccines and many of these are associated with an increased risk of diabetes.
Classen's data and other published data indicates the following vaccines are associated with an increased risk of diabetes (increased risk):

hepatitis B (50%),
hemophilus (25%),
tetanus (20%),
diphtheria (9%),
pertussis (25%),
mumps- rubella (23%).

These findings are supported by a case control study performed in Europe. The cumulative effect of all these vaccines on diabetes is tremendous. Highly immunized sailors in the US navy have been found to develop insulin dependent diabetes at a rate of 5.5 times that of controls even though their rate of diabetes on entering the navy was equal to that of controls.

source: http://www.encognitive.com/node/1371

More Reading Here:

Read more article like this one at my Blog @canadian-coconut

Please Comment Below and Let's Have a Productive Conversation!

I know that this is a very controversial topic ...
but if you care about children as much as I care about children...
surely we can all be civil and help each other discover the best way forward for all our children and future generations.

One must be VERY careful with vaccines. I personally tell folks to STAY CLEAR OF THEM!! I have heard too many horror stores. You do not know what is REALLY going into your body or how it will react to your body. It is like mixing chemicals. It may work well or it may be devastating. I have even heard of it altering your DNA. Can you truly trust the person of company vaccinating you. What is their reputation? How will this affect me in other ways? Too many questions and too many unknowns. - Thanks for sharing.

@canadian-coconut, thank you for sharing n I love all your articles. @enjoywithtroy I agree, we're staying away from vaccination. My son got autism after he had Dtap !! Glad to know all you guys.

You are welcome. Pass the word on and educate others so they know. Blessings to you all. - Troy

I have two friends that are completely unrelated to each other, both of them have children who were normal as can be, children under 4 years old that received the MMR vaccine and immediately the light turned off. One had sensory disorder and the other had straight up autism almost immediately after this vaccine.

I don't care what kind of kool-aid the CDC wants us to drink, plain and simple it's bullshit.

I have another friend that is a nurse that quit her job after her child almost died after getting a vaccine. She knew the routine and phoned the CDC to report it as she had been told. They completely avoided her and wouldn't answer her back and even hung up on her several times as she tried to report what happened to her daughter from the shot. She is now a natural doula and has left the farce that is traditional medicine. $$$$$$

Post has been resteemed! Upvoted and followed as well!

I didn't vaxxed my child she is now 1.5 yrs old and doctors are astonished how strong immunity does she have! At our country (Croatia) it's legal obligation to get vaxxed we are not free to choose, but i took responsibility and it's in people's power to make a choice! Freedom to humanity!

Good for you mom!
If vaccines are mandatory where you are, the doctors don't get to see truly healthy children that often. The difference between the vaccinated and unvaccinated is astounding.

I am dad! It's all about profit, doctors would loose their jobs whitout sick people. More sickness more profit easy as that, think about you get hard sick baby that needs special treatment whole life, someone will make a fortune out of that just one sick baby for whole life!

The immune system is designed to swiftly remove foreign proteins in the bloodstream because for the most part, foreign proteins in the bloodstream usually means overwhelming infection. Non-self proteins are never supposed to be in the bloodstream. They are not absorbed that way from the intestines.

Most viral or bacterial infections do not lead to any viral or bacterial proteins in the bloodstream. Much of the time the immune system is reacting to infections on the surface of the mucosal layer, which is the lining of the nose/mouth/throat, and the lung. The main immunoglobulin here is IgA. The mucosal layer does an admirable job of restricting the infection to this surface area and therefore keeping the foreign proteins out of the bloodstream.

One problem with exposing the bloodstream to proteins is that the immune system develops such a brisk immune reaction to them that the next time the immune system is exposed to these proteins, even if they aren't in the bloodstream, the immune system activation can be so brisk that it is life threatening.

Prior to the increased use of immunizations in the 20th century, accidental overwhelming activation of the immune system was seen infrequently enough that it didn't even have a name. But once people developed the technology to inject proteins directly into the bloodstream and therefore prime the immune system, we began to see this phenomenon more and more.

First termed "aphylaxis" by researcher Richet in 1902, and then changed to "anaphylaxis", Richet found that the first time he injected sea anemone toxin into dogs, they tolerated it fine -- but this first exposure of course primed the immune system, such that the next time he injected sea anemone toxin, they had such an overwhelming immune system response to the protein that they died. Thus his term "a-phylaxis" meaning "the opposite or against protection", as his line of research was to see if by injecting the proteins into the bloodstream he could make the dogs immune to the toxin, and obviously the dogs dying much quicker than the actual toxin could kill them was the direct opposite of the protective effect he was trying to achieve.

It is always possible for an immune response against a protein the immune system is exposed to to accidentally cross react with other proteins -- be they proteins in food, the environment, or even the human body. Rheumatic fever, for example, is a well known condition where the human body builds antibodies against streptococcus bacteria that accidentally cross react with heart and joint proteins, such that the antibodies do damage to the joints and heart valves.

So what are the chances that the mounting number of vaccinations are priming immune systems to accidentally react against environmental proteins, and thus be partially to blame for the increasing number of kids suffering from asthma and atopy, as well as the increasing number of food allergies? It's exactly what we would expect if we understand the physiology, and it would be the same phenomenon as the auto-immune destruction of the pancreas this post talks about.

The rate of anaphylactic reactions is increasing -- in the 1980s it was 20/100,000, one decade later it was already up to 50/100,000.

But most vaccine advocates have no conception of this because for the most part they don't actually understand how the immune system works.

If you were to provide some good references and a couple of illustrations, this would be a great article for you to publish. Please leave me a note if you do? Thank you.



i will in fall, now little short on time working season on seaside

Understood! Thanks for considering it! :D

Presuming that comment was for me -- I'll get working on it and let you know when I do! (BTW -- how do I go about letting you know?)

Ah, yes! You're right, my friend @gwiss, the comment was for you... My apologies for my haste in misdirecting a reply.

You can let me know very simply by responding to this comment... :D

If you have trouble locating the comment (Steemit could use some better user interface tools) then you can always reach me at my blog, just leave me a note under any article... Or, you can also reach me "semi-privately" on https://steemit.chat

Thanks for getting back to me! :D

More great work CaCo. I think I've said before, my nephew is vaccine damaged and it's heartbreaking. Luckily as he gets older he seems to be getting used to himself somehow and it doing better as he goes through his teens. I have been able to use his example as a warning to friends who have met him and have now seen pictures etc of him pre-MMR to seriously consider their own decisions on jabbing up their own kids.
Great work, please keep it up its so important.

Ah, thank-you!
And I'm sad to hear about your nephew.
Yes, it is heartbreaking and that's why I a can't keep silent on this issue when so many people, especially children, are being badly harmed by vaccinations.

thanks for this info i think diabetes is now big problems in many of people of different ages and as the science is making progress day by day the new medicines are now made for this and the way you are explaining this i have a example of mine
my friend's nephew recently asked what my diabetes was (I'm type 1 and was taking insulin for a meal). My friend started trying to explain to the 9-year-old who had no previous experiences with diabetes and she got hung up on the word "sugar" and said "When she eats too much sugar" which is when I jumped in and talked about how his pancreas makes insulin to help him get energy from the food he eats and my pancreas doesn't make insulin so my pump has to help me get energy from the food I eat. The word "sugar" is the biggest stumbling block I've encountered in people explaining diabetes, the mental image of sugar is sweets, candy, soda, etc. not fruits, vegetables, bread, pasta and other "normal" foods.

by the way the way you explain it and the way you point out the problem like it i think its the great work and i hope God will give you this reward and i think money is not the ultimate rewards the big reward is that which God give us in different form , may God bless you

A good way to educate people even more is to try to use the word carbohydrates, as people can learn that sugars are carbohydrates (even though not all carbohydrates are sugar) and it won't seem as bad. It's typical that some might think kids get type I diabetes for eating too much sugar, even in Finland where type I diabetes is most common in the world. Old people go around saying that "You wouldn't have diabetes if you had eaten less sugar as a child".

And one thing, if you have type I diabetes, have you ever used a Freestyle Libre? :)

yes @apsu i have type 1 and yes i used this several times and my doctor is also recommend me this its seems so great to read all the pieces of advice and suggessions that you give me thanks alot i will look on it what ever you guide me again i say thanks for your time

Out of interest, as I have type 1 diabetes too, what is your HbA1c or similar value depending on what you are using? :)

With my last hba1c being 8.0, he was possibly giving me something realistic to aim at, but it is a number that comes up frequently in relation to t1's.

8.0 not is not as bad as it could be :) I've been a around 8 too, a bit below or above. I hope you'll get even better values in the future!

thanks alot for your carings and all this thanks alot so sweet of you

While it's not an average value (but possibly based on averages, as quite a lot of recommendations are), my doctor also said that 7.5 would be an ideal level for a t1 diabetic.

@apsu thanks alot for you such care no body ask me so far like this this is your greatness that you care about me and ask me about my disease and i hope you also like my posts on different yopics it will be my honor @apsu

Thanks, I will look through your posts :)

pleasure my dear

Wow..... This is a eye opener for me and its one if the best post I've seen since i joined steemit few days ago.

Vaccine has been a major problem for infants in this part of the world Africa and I sincerely hope our lawmakers stop turning a blind eye to this as it changes the future of innocent infants forever.

At least since the 1970s, pertussis vaccine has been known in animal experiments to stimulate over-production of insulin by the pancreas

This is so frustrating to read. The last 40 years "they" have been using this on animals to overload the pancreas yet they put it in humans as vaccines. I wouldn't be surprised if the insert read diabetes or pancreatitis as a side effect. I'm glad that the VAXXED BUS exists and people can find comfort in telling their stories.

I have said it before and I will say it again... it is criminal the war being waged against society by the pharmaceutical industry while our lawmakers and law enforcement turn a blind eye. Upvoted and resteemed.

This is so terrible! I had no idea Type 1 Diabetes could be caused through vaccination. :(
Many parents (including me) are to a large extent ignorant, concerned and sometimes unable to think straight when it comes to vaccinating their children for continuous health. It is criminal of the medical industry and the pharmaceuticals to take advantage of that and push harmful medications across for use especially for children who will have to bear the adverse effects for their entire lifetimes! :'(

@canadian-coconut, I mentioned you in my last post.. please do check out my blog if you have the time. Thanks!

Thank-you for the mention. I'm honored and glad that you found me here on Steemit!

Thank you! I really appreciate your taking the time to visit my blog.
I am so very honored and happy that you think so. :)