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RE: Ancient Mystique---->Your Choice. My Choice.

in #vaccines8 years ago

i like to play devils advocate so here goes,
Vaccines have no peer reviewed scientific evidence to cause harm to anyone but the amount of evidence that shows them to be effective is enormous, to compare it to driving a car seems a little insane to me given cars have a viable use. banning cars would be a nightmare in every sense. forcing people to vaccinate their kids is in the best interests of humanity, banning cars is not.
even if vaccines did all these things people claim like causing autism etc wouldnt you prefer an autistic child to a dead one? the fact there are immunocompromised children who cannot take vaccines is why anyone who can should, to prevent the spread of disease to those unable to protect themselves.
survival of the fittest? lol that has not been the case for the human race for a long time. survival of the smartest is far more apt for this day and age.
Smoking should be made illegal i will give you that but the government makes far too much money from it and if you want to take it to the strain on the medical industry obesity and unhealthy diets waste more resources than smoking ever did. also to say "your hard earned cash" takes away the fact most smokers pay taxes as well and given the amount of tax on cigarettes we probably contribute more tax than you do.
Nuclear power is an incredibly viable non destructive way of generating power IF done right and far far more research needs to be done before it will be safe. nuclear weapons are a whole different story.

Stop eating meat is a tricky one because i strongly disagree with the way farming, slaughter and live export occurs. however to put a blanket statement saying eating meat is wrong is fairly ludicrous. Yes it may seem cruel to hunt an animal for food but to think it is wrong is a direct contradiction of nature itself in that many animals hunt for food and the way they kill them cannot be described as humane. The systems in place for eating meat are wrong but that does not make the action itself wrong. for thousands of years humans have been hunter gatherers and eaten meat. sure maybe once we were herbivores but that has changed and can be put as evolution. just because we dont use teeth and claws but used traps and spears doesnt make it unnatural, simply different and creative. the same way some birds will drop rocks on nuts or drop crabs onto rocks to get to the food.

We should be doing alot more to minimise our impact on the environment but unfortunately you need to live in the reality that these things will not go away so rather than taking an aggressive attacking stance why not find ways to limit the damage we do that can be sensibly applied. Yes we mine yes we create pollution, yes we have done alot of bad things but to think that most if any of these are reversible is incredibly naive. the best option now would be to try and find ways to continue doing these things but finding ways to do them with far less impact, or find viable alternatives rather than just saying dont do that anymore.
if all you can say is "stop doing this stop doing that" youre just going to come off as a jerk and people are far less likely to listen to you. if you have a viable alternative and can sit down with facts talk to your opposition and convince them your way is better you might get somewere.

just my 2 cents, dont want to come off as rude or anything either so please dont take this as aggressive or inflammatory.
i do enjoy a good read of other peoples opinions