
I have been offline for 4 weeks. Just seeing this for the first time. What I have to say right now is that this isn't worth my time and I work a lot so I am not spending anymore time on this. Nothing personal just the last thing I want to do is sit here and argue with someone about who is right or wrong on a topic that doesn't have much weight.

Wishing you the best and good luck my friend! I do appreciate the time and effort you put into it and it is obvious you have a passion for this.

Have a great night!

I understand but that doesn't mean it doesn't have much weight, it matters very much because you decided to take up the challenge and I provided evidence of scientific/medical fraud and outlined the claims as unfounded. It's not about who is right and who is wrong, its inconsequential, it is about finding truth and exterminating fiction portrayed as truth.

Antibodies for immunolabeling by light and electron microscopy: not for the faint hearted
Read through that, the pertinent part is this:

A serious consequence of these facts is that an antibody against a defined antigen, e.g., a whole purified protein or a peptide, could bind to structurally related antigens that have a completely or partially different amino sequence (molecular mimicry). This means that, predicting an antibody has high affinity for the immunizing antigen is extremely difficult if not impossible.

It says in very clear terms that the method for gaining immunity through antibodies cannot be predicted, therefore you cannot hold a candle to the claim that vaccines work period, ever.

I see you have a passion as well or at least interest in this topic, why not take up the information provided and verify it for veracity and factuality?
What do you risk? Besides, don't you wish not to fall a victim to lies and propaganda? I sure don't want to see my fellow man mislead and fooled/bamboozled.

I read the first 2 lines of your comment.

Look man, it is a month old.

I didn't realize you did anything either, I commented a month ago on someone elses post, and you proved me wrong good for you. Can't be right all the time.

I'm glad you're back and just in time before the topic would have been locked and subsequently the replies. I have seen you change your stance from one of pro vaccinations to one of being a lot more open to information and critical thinking about vaccinations and it's effect and I respect that and wholeheartedly applaud you for that.

There's nothing wrong with being wrong because you believe otherwise! There is something wrong when you know you're wrong and continue on that path, don't you agree? Did you know that there are numerous cases of vaccine developers and researchers that have spent decades in that endeavor and then came to realize that it was all a big lie, found out that they had been wrong and changed directions.

A friend of mine once said to me, he said, Look, if we weren't supposed to turn around, why does a car have a steering wheel? Are we just supposed to crash into the wall? No, we're supposed to say, Listen, I was going the wrong way... Reverse!
Lauryn Hill