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RE: The dangerous growing divide between those who vaccinate and those who don't

in #vaccines7 years ago

Do you think smallpox got eradicated by vaccines or not? Do you think that it is just a coincindence that with the upcoming of vaccines some serious illnesses dropped by many many percent?

These are loaded questions, otherwise known as loaded question fallacy.
What is your basis for these questions?

All scientific facts are clearly in the favour of vaccines. Vaccines propably have saved dozen millions of lives.

Enlighten us with such fact that vaccines are in favour of.

If you are awake and do some research before vaccinating it is wonderful. But the joy ends when you just believe some single persons over scientific knowledge.

You have no reason to imply this, you imply that the poster is simply believing or relying on faith when the essence of the post is to Question, you have not questioned or asked about the research they have done, instead you came out swinging with loaded questions assuming that when the person was speaking about researching this subject they somehow didn't realize the complete lack of data, of evidence for the safety of vaccines and their efficacy. You could have asked "what research" and saved that rigamarole for when you could actually debate, you chose to conclude various things and assume the world, hardly behavior of a inquisitive and curious mind.


Nothing more need be said. Thank you.