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RE: Even more evidence that the MMR vaccine does not cause autism

in #vaccines6 years ago (edited)

"Try the truth. It can't hurt you" You've got to find it first.
Do you know 97% of scientists believe in man made Global Warming.
How do you think they pulled that one off?
If this doesn't make sense to you will eventually.


Huh? Mmmm...Vaccines to global warming... Ok, let me see if I can connect the two...somehow... to help you make your comment make sense. Let me bring this around to vaccines. Because of global warming and the impact that it has on the melting ice caps, extreme weather patterns and collapsing sanitation infrastructure we could potentially see diseases that are not in regions migrate to new regions or new variations of dormant diseases. Diseases that could be treated with vaccines. We've seen Zika migrate already, ticks are migrating to warmer zones. Dormant strains of anthrax may be release. The potential for cholera outbreaks as floods occur and overtake sewer systems. I'm sure there are more. So, thanks, it looks like there is a corollary to global warming.

OK to make it simple, I mentioned the Global Warming to show how out of touch and corrupted "science" has become.
Of course, there is no evidence of man made global warming, so these "reports" have to be treated with great caution and scepticism.
I was implying that this will make sense to you when you realise that we're going into a mini(at least we hope it's only mini) ice age. And that you've been lied to by big science. This should also make you wonder if you're also being lied to by big pharma.(after all there's huge money resting on this vaccine/autism question). What makes you think they wouldn't cheat?
Personally I know how to rig just about any standard double blind study to give any desired outcome and I know that others also know how to do this.
So naturally I have zero confidence in any of these studies and so should you and everyone else.

If it's all just gobbledygook do you feel that we should stop the environmental efforts that we have been undertaking to clean things up?

We should definitely take all viable measures to protect the environment from damage caused by pollution, though CO2 should not be considered a pollutant.

As for the vaccines maybe you should take a look at this:

Sure we can agree on that... to a certain extent. C02 actually drives our respratory system, not 02 as many think. But... too much C02 and we die. It is a greenhouse gas that traps heat in. Some benefits of more positive impacts from higher CO2 concentrations are faster growing trees at the equator.

I read that diatribe... love how it opens with a big graphic titled "Italian Court Rules MMR...", the old bait and switch. So much hyperbole in that post it's hard to know where to start.

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