Shots - Vaccines or Bullets?

in #vaccine2 years ago

The Fabian Communists (popularly known as "Democrates") launched yet another False Flag Attack on the Second Ammendment a couple of days ago.
The kids - assuming any of the story is true - were killed as a distraction from the lost war in Ukraine and to get folks ready for yet another round of Pandemics this time centered around the previous vax induced shingles - that they are renaming "Monkey Pox"

Of course, this will bring in a new round of so-called Mandatory vaccination - all of which has already been kept in stock and waiting for deployment.

This time - as before - the vaccinations may bring on the very disease they supposedly aim to prevent.

Only it won't be shingles or monkey pox.

The Western Elite want a vast reduction of numbers and the only way they will get it is through the wonderful miracle that killed off most of the native American Indians - small pox.

That will give the Elite scum a pretty good excuse to get rid of physical cash as well.

Remember that small pox was spread to the Native population with infected blankets - brought in espeacially from Europe.

Bill Gates - of course will keep telling folks...

"Blankets Work"

All the way to the bank.
