Translating 1119 words of SpongeDocs English to Indonesian Part 7

About SpongeDocs
What Is Sponge?
The purpose of the Sponge project is to create a plugin development framework for Minecraft. Sponge is being created by a global community, and its open-source nature means anyone can participate.
Sponge was created after seeing the failures of other projects in the Minecraft plugin development community. We are trying to avoid making the same mistakes as other projects; thus:
Sponge is an extremely open project.
Sponge is licensed under the MIT license - an extremely permissive open source license.
Performance is of high priority.
Most plugins developed with the Sponge API should work across several different versions of Minecraft without needing to be updated. This means that, for the most part, server owners do not need to worry about plugin incompatibilities.
We have two other projects in addition to the Sponge API:
SpongeForge, a coremod for Minecraft Forge, which is an existing Minecraft modding framework famous for spurring the Minecraft modding scene. Forge lacks a cross-version API, and this is where Sponge steps in. Sponge allows server owners to deploy Sponge plugins with ease, making server management easier.
SpongeVanilla, a stand-alone implementation of the Sponge API, running on top of the vanilla Minecraft server. (SpongeVanilla was formerly known as Granite, until the development teams merged).
Players on servers running SpongeForge or SpongeVanilla do not need to install any client-side mods. They are able to join servers running Sponge using the vanilla Minecraft client provided by Mojang.
The Sponge API is not tied to any platform. This means that server owners can run Sponge plugins on any official implementation of the Sponge API. Sponge plugins should function identically on either implementation, due to the common functionality of mixins.
Source Language
Number of Words
I translate a total of 1119 words.
Translated Language
I contribute to Indonesian Language and translated the file 'plugin-class.pot', 'git.pot', and 'spongeforge.pot'. The project is huge, it still needs 92190 words to translate.
Before Translating
- plugin-class.pot from 49%
- git.pot from 35%
- spongeforge.pot from 58%
After Translation
- plugin-class.pot to 100%
plugin-class.pot : - git.pot to 100%
git.pot : - spongeforge.pot to 100%
spongeforge.pot :
Proofread Words
Currenly waiting for my translation to be proofread.
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Part1, Part2, Part3, Part4, Part5, Part6.
The next step after adding the Sponge API as a dependency is creating a new class. The class can be named however you like, and can be in any package that does not begin with org.spongepowered
. By convention, class names should be in title case.
Langkah berikutnya setelah menambahkan API Sponge sebagai ruang tambahan adalah membuat class baru. Class ini dapat dinamakan sesuka hati anda, dan dapat di dimasukkan kedalam paket manapun yang tidak dimulai dengan
. Dengan syarat, nama class harus didalam kotak judul.
Oracle recommends <>
_ to use your domain as your package name, if you own a domain. However, in the event that you do not own a domain, a common practice is to use an email address (such as
) or an open-source repository (such as io.github.username.project
Oracle menyarankan`_ untuk menggunakan domain anda sebagai nama paket, jika anda memiliki domain. Akan tetapi, dalam event yang anda tidak memiliki domain, sebuah latihan umum adalah dengan menggunakan sebuah alamat email (seperti
) atau sebuah gudang penyimpanan open-source (sepertiio.github.username.project
The Sponge project, alongside thousands of other open-source projects, hosts its Git repositories on GitHub. Thus, Git is a crucial tool in the development of Sponge and the Sponge API.
Proyek Sponge, bersama dengan ribuan proyek open-source lainnya, Membawa gudang penyimpanan Git nya sendiri di GitHub. Jadi, Git adalah sebuah alat yang penting sekali didalam pengembangan dari Sponge dan API Sponge.
Visit the Minecraft Forge website <>
_ and click "Show all downloads" to view the full set of available options. Identify the version matching the one listed :doc:in the filename of the SpongeForge download <spongeforge>
, and hover over the (i) next to "Installer" to get the direct download link.
Kunjungi website Forge
Minecraft <>
_ dan klik "Show all downloads" untuk melihat seluruh opsi yang tersedia. Cari tahu versi yang sesuai dengan yang didaftarkan :doc:` didalam nama file dari unduhan SpongeForge , dan arahkan kursor ke (i) didekat "Installer" untuk mendaptkan tautan unduhan langsung.
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