Turkish Translation for Ecwid Control Panel (Part 2 - 1345 words)

Project Details
Ecwid is an e-commerce platform that helps to easily create a bold, easy to use online store and start selling anywhere online or in-person. Used by over 1.5 million merchants in 175 countries. [1]
I believe this program is very useful for small businesses. This will help businesses to manage their products, orders and ads easily. They have a blog page where they post latest updates. I am sure this is a great way to increase sales. I strongly recommend it to other contributors to translate so that it can reach Turkish merchants, as well.
Links related to the translation
Source Language
Translated Language
I contributed translating the file, named 'Control Panel translations'. Entire project has a total of 29388 words. 93% of Turkish translation is completed.
Number Of Words
Number of words translated on this contribution: 1343
Proofread Words
Previous translation on the same project
Number of words translated on the project before this report (if any): 1867
Proof of Work
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