Logo for Visual Electron
Visual Electron is a data visualization tool based on:
Electron: which creates cross-platform desktop applications all with HTML, CSS and JavaScript
Vue.js: which is a progresive framework desgined from scratch to be fully adaptable, it is designed to be simple to incorporate to a library or an existing project.
Necessary links
Pull-Request (Merged)
Communication with Project Owner (Issue)
Proof of work done by me (GitHub Profile)
Logo Idea
Monochromatic Version and Outlined
Logo Result

Size Variation
Color Variation

Tipeface / Color Information
Benefits / Improvements
- The previous logo this project had, was a bad mixture between Electron + vue.js and it was poorly made, I provided a more appealing and more original version which is still related to the project according to PO.
- I contacted PO and made my logo proposal and he agreed on the idea.
- I used the ''V'' for ''visual'' twice; one inside the eye ball and the other one twisted upside down making it look like a mascot.
- The color was choosen from the beggining by PO, I worked with what was discussed with PO.
- This logo its related to this project as any logo should be.
Proof of Work Done
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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