Translated 1104 word of World Cleanup Day
Project Details
World Cleanup Day is a work program of the Let's Do It Foundation which is registered with the Estonia Registry of a non-profit organization and is governed by the laws of the Republic of Estonia. Let's Do It Foundation itself is a global civil movement with a mission to connect and empower people and organizations around the world to a clean planet.
World Cleanup Day is also supported with android smartphone app that allows everybody all over the world to join, and the plan on September 15, 2018 next Let's Do It Foundation will make the Day of World Cleaning a very historic day because people in 150 countries will make the community take the biggest positive action which the world will see.
Links related to the translation
- My activity on crowdin
- World Cleanup Day Project
- Github World Cleanup Day
- My activity on World Cleanup Day
Source Language
English, United States
Translated Language
I translate this project from English into Indonesian. The total number of words requested is 153 679 words
Number Of Words
I translate as many as 1104 words, while for the total number of words I translate is 1115 words.
Number of words translated on this contribution: 1104 word
master/mobile-app/src/trans/af.json From 0% to 98%, = 656 word
master/mobile-app/src/trans/ee.json From 0% to 67%, = 448 word
Proofread Words
I do not have proofread translations yet.
Previous translation on the same project
I recently contributed to utopian.
Evidence of my work through screenshots
master/mobile-app/src/trans/af.json From 0% to 98%
master/mobile-app/src/trans/af.json From 0% to 67%
Okay, Thanks for those who have seen my post, hopefully useful :)
And just a few posts my contribution about the World Cleanup Day Translation ..
Hopefully approved, Aamiin ... and see you on my other posts.
Greetings Success for all Steemians. ;)
Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors
Your contribution cannot be approved because it does not follow the Utopian Rules.
You have used the google translation tool:

Almost all of your translation is a perfect match to the translation suggestion provided by Translation Memory. It does not bring any value to the project you are trying to contribute. Please try to improve the translation next time.

-Moreover, your contribution is not formal and the way you express yourself in English makes me think that your understanding of the English language is very low. In order to be a translator you must know both languages. It cannot go one way.
You can contact us on Discord.
Oke, thanks your information ... :)