Translating English to Bengali in
Hi Everyone
I am Adnan. Hope you are fine.
I learned about contributing in to translate from English to Bengali. This is the first time for me. Hope my contribution will be helpful. Some of the words were challengiing.
**Here are some examples **
I have learned about this by reading an article of @mrrifat1
Hope you will give your feedback if anything is wrong.
Thank you
Thank you for using for your contributions to !
As a follower of @followforupvotes this post has been randomly selected and upvoted! Enjoy your upvote and have a great day!
Hi, @smadnan If your translated is same as me,then only vote it to be approved fast.
Btother @mrrifat1 I voted you in those words which seem to be accurate. You can see this in the 1st image. I did not changed them. And I really appritiate your work. Thank you for introducing me with this. I still have many things to learn from you.