Fixed topic over button and tooltip over modal issues
This is my first development contribution report, until now I only reported bugs and suggested features.
These two contributions were merged a few days ago on the main repository. Links below :)

The first issue..
..was that on small screens the topic button covered the 'actions' arrow on the post.
Issue: 843
Changes I made:
- reduced padding for .Topic button on small screens
- reduced margin for .Story__header__text on small screens
- reduced padding for reputation .ant-tag inside .Story__header on small screens

Pull request: 983

The second issue..
..was that when clicking/tapping on the number of votes a modal that shows all voters appeared but the tooltip, normally used on hover, was in front of the modal, not behind it.
Issue: 825
Changes I made:
- added z-index: 999; to .ant-tooltip so that it will be under the modal .ant-modal-mask that has z-index:1000;

Pull request: 1004 is an awesome project with a very talented team from whom I am learning a lot. It is a pleasure to contribute to this project and be a part of the busy and utopian communities. Cheers :)
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Two quite annoying bugs indeed. Good job! :)
Thanks :)
Hello @sirrius thanks. Accepted in Utopian