
Trying to use the service already out there or trying to run locally?

Not locally. Just following your instructions.. /start <accname> <wif> just says welcome <accname>! But nothing else.

Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I realize now that there's a typo in the README.


You can run your own version of this bot via docker container. If you run locally instead of using the existing service, you need to register your bot with Botfather. It will give you an API key which you will use in this command.

docker run --rm -e STEEM_NAME=$STEEM_NAME  -e BOT_TOKEN=<token from the botfather> r351574nc3/telegram-reply-steem-bot:latest`

I am confused still. Thank you for helping.. I have another question: do I use my steemit account here `r351574nc3/telegram-reply-steem-bot:latest`` instead of yours? and the whole command is run inside a conversation with botfather ?

Correct. You use your name.

When you run /start <username> <wif>, that is the username/wif used when replies will be posted. It will post on your behalf.

Thank you - I went through the process of naming a bot in botfather getting an API token - then I entered the docker command as you suggested. Went back to steem-replies did the /start accountname wif and I have again Welcome mysteemitname!

:-) Thanks but I will try now to delete my botfather bot because it is not working for me. And watch for an update

When you create a bot with botfather, you should have a name for your bot, you would not use @steem-replies. You would use @yourbotname

Yes i have a unique name there - the name i asked about was in the command docker run --rm -e STEEM_NAME=$STEEM_NAME -e BOT_TOKEN=<token from the botfather> mysteemaccountname/telegram-reply-steem-bot:latest i used my steemit account name trumanity

:-P what he said

See my response to @trumanity

does this still work or do I need to set up my own docker? and steem development telegram seems dead :/

Telegram's not dead, it's just that just me and a couple others are in there. Never got a lot of interest.

Regarding telegram replies, I'm traveling right now. While I was traveling, the server went down. I run my witness and everything out of my research org in AZ. I'm the only one running it. It's really unfortunate that something like this would happen the second I leave. I'll be back later tonight to get the app back up again.

Also, it is OSS, and you can set up with docker, but the idea is that I provide the infrastructure so it's not necessary. Thanks for the interest.

Keep checking in to the telegram.