There are certain moments in life that are usually very difficult. But the challenge of avoiding obstacles is presented to all without exception. The important thing is to be able to locate ourselves in front of them with energy and optimism, understanding that we are beings endowed with intelligence that allows us to find solutions.
To achieve it first of all we must be able to be well with ourselves.
There is a paper by Albert Einstein that leaves very interesting reflections, He talks about the crisis, the best "blessing" that can happen to people, organizations or countries because it brings progress ... "Who overcomes the crisis exceeds itself without be overcome. " Here I share with you this excellent reflection of one of the greatest characters in history.

The solutions to the difficulties are not sought outside, they are always found within us but to find them we must adopt certain attitudes:
Believe in what you CAN!: From the moment we get up, repeat this affirmation. Even if you do not believe this, we can activate our brain in a positive way. Remember that we are the only ones who can change our own reality.
DO NOT fear the CHANGE. Let's try to carry out the activities we always wanted to do and have postponed. It is always important that the change you make is for something that you are passionate about, that helps us feel motivated and put aside the routine that absorbs us.
Each person manifests his internal discomfort in different ways, although it is common to feel nostalgic, disinterested, sad or exhausted. Despite the fatigue, we must understand that no difficulty is solved by crossed arms. Our will is fundamental to overcome the adversities of life ... It is necessary that we put all the interest on our part to learn from each situation, to extract the wisdom of each crisis.
If this is the attitude with which we face life, each difficulty will be no more than a "springboard" will push us as high as we are able to imagine.
Well my Steemiants I hope this reflection is of great help for all and as I always tell you We will continue reading.