NanoDLP - Software for SLA/DLP 3D printers [Turkish Translation] (1200 words) #part2

Project Details
SLA/DLP 3D laser printers are more promising printers than FDM (filament) printing methods.The most prominent feature is that the liquid resin solidified by laser beam can give much finer detail than FDM. NanoDLP is Raspberry Pi based DLP 3D printer software. NanoDLP can be considered as a main system and control software for SLA/DLP 3D printers. A high-performance solution without delay with Raspberry Pi for simple operation. NanoDLP is available in Windows, Linux and Mac versions. Compatible with most hardware.
Links related to the translation
- GitHub Profile
- GitHub Project
- Link to Merged Pull Request
- Translated Files: lift-after.html, light-output-formula.html, low-quality-layers.html, mask-generation.html, mask.html, math.html, printer-name.html, projector-control.html, projector-syscall.html, regenerate-required.html, remote-slicer.html, resin-level.html, rpi-display.html, servo-shutter.html, shield-connection-type.html, shield-data-encoding.html, shield-port-path.html, shield-wait-pin.html, shield.html, shutter-type.html, speed-formula.html, speed.html, stop-layers.html, vars.html, wait-position.html, xy-resolution.html, y-resolution.html, z-axis-direction-gpio.html, z-axis-enable-gpio.html, z-axis-endstop-gpio.html, z-axis-step-gpio.html, z-axis-step.html
Source Language
Translated Language
Number Of Words
Number of words translated on this contribution: 1200 words.
Proofread Words
Everything is already merged.
Previous translation on the same project
- part1 (1200 words.)
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