Making beautiful stories and poem with Cannonball
Cannon ball is a platform to create and share your stories and poems from your android phone. The developer inspired by games named magnetic poetry, it’s a game where you get particular set of words and start arranging them to compose stories. With cannonball they wanted to take the magnetic poetry concept and bring it to mobile.
To create new stories or poems, First we can choose category, there is #romance, #adventure, etc. then the apps provided random words that we can arrange into a sentence by choosing in sequence. For making our post more beautiful, in the background there is beautiful image to complete the stories, the developer also added timer to make it more exciting, so we must hurry when compose our story. After that you can share it with your friends on the twitter. If you like to write and share with your friends you will surely love this app.
Now let’s start the tutorial how to use cannonball apps.
- Open your Google play store and click the search button, type the keyword “cannonball” on the search form, click again the search button and wait until the search process finish.
- The result from search process is more than one, make sure you can find an item with a cannonball title from the list. Because in the result have been more than one with name cannonball, make sure you choose the cannonball developed by Google fabric. Click cannonball to go the detail cannonball application page.
- From the detail page you can read all description about this apps, how many user have been downloaded, who is the developer and the application version. And there is an install button on the top of the page. Click the install button to install it on your phone, wait the process until finish.
- The app asking for permission to get access to storage this related to the write and shared external storage, network communication in order to perform network operations in your application, and system tools to maintain security for the system and users, Android requires apps to request permission before the apps can use certain system data and features. Click accept then the app will start downloading
- The downloading process will run, wait until the process finish. You will see two option button, there are open button and uninstall button. If you want to delete the apps from your phone you can click the uninstall button. For now, because we want to use the cannonball apps. Let’s click open button to run it.
- This is the cannonball login page, the application page will display screen like picture below, you have 3 options to do here, there are : log in with twitter, use my phone number or skip and direct to the main feature. For now we only can use twitter account to signin with social media account, this is because developer this app is affiliate with twitter division named crashlytic and fabric, hopefully in the future they will expand the account list with other social media like instagram and facebook. In the next steps I will explain how to use these three options.
- If you click login with twitter option, the apps will directly open the sign up registration form with twitter account. These feature is for authorize cannonball to use your twitter account. Input your twitter username or email in the username form, and then input your twitter account password in the password form. Click the authorize app button to send you username data to server and process validation will start, wait until it finish.
- If you choose use my phone number option, then it will display picture below. Here you must choose your country code number from the country selection. Then input your number and click send confirmation code button. Wait until the server will send sms to your phone number contains the verification code. enter into the form in the application and wait for the process until complete. if you do not receive sms from the server, you can repeat again sending verification cod, If the verification has done you can enter the main feature.
- If you want directly use the main feature without login, click the skip button. This option not does not require verification.
- This image below is display the main feature of cannonball apps. See on the top of the display, the left side of the toolbar there is your poems button, here is collection of all post you have been made before. And the right side of the toolbar there is popular poems, its contain popular post from another user in the server. The main content is category list with beautiful background image, the options are : #adventure, #mystery, #nature, #romance. For now this aplication only provided 4 options, so you must try the closest related content with options available.
- If you click one of the category list, here example if click #adventure, see picture below. Then the apps will open the post arrangement page. There are beautiful picture in top of the page, for now the picture randomize by the application. If you want to change the picture you can swipe through to select the picture. Below it there are keyword that you can arrange become the sentence of the stories or poems by clicking it in sequence. The application give timer to making limitation time for arrange the stories. So you must hurry and see the time in the center of toolbar above. If you choose wrong word when you arrange the sentence, you can long click the word item in the display text result until it erased or deleted. If you finish arrange the sentence click save button in the rightside of the toolbar.
- The result of the stories or poems you have been made will like the picture below, beautiful post with background and make the post more exciting because read it can boost morale and motivation.
- To share the stories or poems you have been made before with your friends, you can click share button on the top right corner of the background image. Then the app will open the phone browser, if you have more than one browser on your phone, it will open the options to choose. Choose one you like then it will open directly the url have been set by cannonball application to twitter page. Because the result of the post we share from cannonball in the form of image, Here you can set caption text, don’t forget to fill the phone or username and password of the your twitter account below the caption text form, then click login and tweet to post in your twitter account.
- Continue from step 10 above, if you click the your poems button (you can get this button on the left side of the toolbar). You can get all stories and poems that you have been made before. all this data is stored on your local storage phone, so you can open it without internet connection. If you want to delete your post, you can click the delete button on the top left corner of the background image from specific items you want to delete.
This app is useful for us to create stories and poems with friends. It is easy to use, fun and complete with beautiful image as a background. Unfortunately for now the category only provide 4 options, so make sure you look for the title with the closest connection of the options available. Hopefully in the next version the developer will make the feature for user to add more category. Now after read this tutorial, you can create your stories, share it with your friends and see who become your fans.
Reference :
Google play :
Homepage :
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