Add custom indies/expert advisor capability for mt4 mobile application
Metatrader4 is a great application no doubt, however, I'm suggesting that custom indicators and expert advisors be added to the mobile application edition, perhaps, mobile geeks would be able to do their analysis on mobile as well as add their preferred custom indicators to trade forex.
The components of the application are the custom indicators/experts advisors segment of the mobile edition of the software
I'm suggesting that custom indicators and expert advisors be added to the mobile application edition, perhaps, mobile geeks would be able to do their analysis on mobile as well as add their preferred custom indicators to trade forex.
It will help mobile traders to attach their preferred custom indicators to trade the forex market, also updates could be monitored on mobiles without using deskop systems .
If custom indicators are attachable as well as expert advisors, traders can trade with ease, be able to run current analysis on the market.
The attached image is from the desktop version of the mt4 trader
The attached image is from the desktop version of the mt4 trader
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