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RE: [Condenser] Show Payouts In SBD and STEEM as well as other changes

in #utopian-io7 years ago

@netuso "You read that right ... a $100 post with STEEM at $5 and SBD at $7.25 is actually worth $452.50"

Dude, I was wondering about this! I recently got a payout, and then had roughly about 60 SBD, I then went to the market and bought some STEEM . My idea behind it, was to power up into steem power, is that correct? My question is, if the price of Steem comes down, and you buy low, is that good? Get more Steem and Power up and as the price rises so does your steem power or is that a negative? I have some questions in regard to that if someone or maybe @netuoso can break down for me, I would gladly appreciate that.

My account value was close to 150.00 after buying the STEEM at roughly .62xxxxxx on the Market here on steemit, it went up to 200+. I am a little confused as to why it didnt show that before as all I did was buy Steem with my SBD here on the market.

Thanks again for this breakdown by the way!


Right now, condenser is displaying SBD value as if it were $1.

When you receive SBD and go buy Steem with it, your value goes up so much because it shows the value of Steem according to 3.5 day Steem average.

For example, if SBD is $10 and Steem is $5. If you have 10 SBD only in your account the value will show as $10.

Of course, 10 SBD would really be worth $100. If you go buy Steem with that SBD, you would get 20 Steem. This is because SBD is worth twice as much as Steem (in this example)

Now your account will show a value of about $100 because you have Steem instead of SBD.

Despite not showing the right value SBD is worth more than Steem. SBD is a debt asset that is supposed to be pegged around $1. Due to this, I would not recommend buying SBD to speculate on the price.

But I definitely recommend buying Steem with SBD while the SBD price is high. SBD should return to $1 eventually if the system works as intended.

If SBD should return to $1 then maybe we should leave the payout displays as they are?

Well we can currently see the confusion that creates.

DUde wow your ide ais so important right now, we need to start changing teh way we show the rewards so peopel can see exactly how much mre theyre getting apid, because right nwo its lik a secret society of peop who arei the know, getting all the rewards, when newcomers are not beingtold outrght how much money they could be getting paid... BUT maybeits ok like that; we really DO deserve this bonus! its ok I will welcome these nw changesyou propose. they are EXTREMELY fair an accurate,a nd why NOT show the ACCURATE price instead of this much smalle rprice? yes you are right we should just show people the real SBD and SP price, and maybe show some Dollar values but get them more accurate.... wow this is such a godoidea

If i was working at Steemit Inc I would consider delegating you a Lot of extra Steempower you do REALLY good work man...

Youre really doing something obvious here by making a mockup of what it should look like.... Good job visualizing the future man! I cannot wait to see more amazing projects from you I JUST WISH I had the Money to PAY you to get some new projects done I ave planned! i bet you have the network of peope who could get my new steem projects off the ground... honesty they are all no brinaer ideas that think of themselves so I hope to see them soon!

(So your post says this is from SteemLibrator ... is that a real website?)

But anyway man WOW your idea here is SO nice GOOD job getting this Mockup man! Here is a nice animated GIF as a Thank you!

Thanks for your kind words, but a mockup implies it isnt functional.

The code is live

Yes, I agree, it does create confusion.

Thank you again for that breakdown, although @bbrewer, made it a little confusing haha j/k but I understand now 100%! If It wasn't for this post, I would still be scratching my head. lol

I will continue to buy STEEM with my SBD! Thanks again! #YOUVEGOTMYFOLLOW! @netuoso

good comment