5 Incredibly Useful Website You need to know. Part:1

in #useful7 years ago

Everyday we browse thousand of website aren't we? But among Billion of website you barely know which website are the most useful. Don't worry i hare to help you to find the best and useful website among billion of site over internet. I hope this post will help you a lot in your net expreience.

  1. Get notify: We use email a lot . But some feature of email are not developed well we didn't get any notification for sending mail after the receiver receives the mail we check again and again after sending the mail that when the replay come . That disadvantage maybe for other user not for you anymore . (getnotify.com) will do the work for you can now get delivery report of your email. Isn't It cool?
  2. Zero Dollar Movies: I am big fan of online movies some of you are same as mine . so this website is like the gift of joy for you . (zerodollarmovies.com) allow you to watch 15000 movies in many language . so go and visit this site and trust me it's don't charge a single amount .
  3. scr.im: Are you a blogger or you own a website? Than you must have this trouble experience to getting spam report for sharing you Email id in the blog. here is the simple solution to get rid of this problem . Just go to (scr.im) this site make your email link sorten for share in public comment .
    4.Stickk: I change my goal everyday i know it is not so cool for my career. if you are doing same as me than this website only for you. this website helps you to fix your goal and they also show helpful method to fulfil the goal.
    5.AccountKiller: Yeah Yeah i know it is a very hard process your social media account . some of the website keep this option so privet that the user didn't get it easily so we leave behind our account for no reason!! But today i am talking about (AccountKiller.com) that is allow to manage almost all of the website's user account deletion link in one click.
    That't all for the today's blog. So what are you waiting for go and check those amazing useful site and if you think i worth a upvote for this blog than you smart people know what to do .

Account Killer is a to hand to use website that lists instructions re how to delete your account not far away and wide off from Facebook, Skype, iTunes, Google, and numerous extra websites.....