"One minute to fix the oil on the range hood!"steemCreated with Sketch.

in #usa2 months ago
  1. Materials used

baking soda powder
Warm water
watering can
clean rag
old toothbrush
rubber gloves
Trash bag (or large container)

  1. Cleaning procedure

1.Prepare cleaning solution

Add 2-3 teaspoons of baking soda and warm water (about 500ml) to a watering can and shake well.

If the oil is heavy, you can add a small amount of dishwashing liquid to improve the oil removal effect.

2.Disassembling oil net

Wear rubber gloves and remove the oil mesh from the range hood according to the instructions.

If the oil mesh is fixed firmly, it can be easily removed with a screwdriver.

3.Immersion oil mesh

Place the oil mesh in a garbage bag or large container and pour in the mixed baking soda warm water, making sure to soak thoroughly.

Soak for 15-20 minutes to soften stubborn oil.

4.Clean up oil net

Gently scrub the oil mesh with an old toothbrush, taking care not to exert too much force to avoid damage.

Rinse with water and leave to dry in a cool place.

5.Clean the hood surface

Spray the hood shell and internal oil stains with baking soda cleaning solution.

Let sit for 5 minutes and wipe clean with a damp rag.

For hard-to-clean corners, use a toothbrush to assist.

6.Installation of oil net

After the oil mesh is completely dry, reinstall it to the range hood.

7.Final step

Turn on the range hood and run for a few minutes to ensure that the residual water inside is discharged.

  1. Operation precautions

Safety first: Be sure to turn off the power before cleaning to avoid electric shock.

Avoid damaging the surface: Choose a soft cleaning cloth to avoid scratching the stainless steel surface.

Frequency recommendation: Clean the range hood every 1-2 months to avoid oil buildup.