The commercial war is sharper. China and the US will introduce new tariffs on Friday

in #usa6 years ago (edited)

4-Rejdari_reuters.jpgChina will begin to apply customs duties on Friday to import goods from the United States in a yearly $ 34 billion. Referring to sources familiar with the situation on Wednesday, Reuters said. Washington has announced earlier that it will also start collecting $ 34 billion of imports from China from Friday.
Beijing's earlier announcement to Washington has said it is preparing measures of similar size and intensity. It is going to be on the same day, but given the 12-hour time difference, it would actually impose duties earlier. That's what the Chinese Treasury Department has denied.

"Equivalent means that if the United States starts on July 6, we will start on July 6," said Reuters. "The implementation of all measures begins at midnight."

The Ministry of Finance responded to a Reuters report by a short statement. "The Chinese government's statement has been heard many times, and we certainly will not be the one to shoot the first shot, and we will not introduce customs measures before the United States does it," the ministry said without further explanation. Foreign Ministry spokesman Lu Kchang said earlier that China is ready to act. The date on which it will apply the duties, but did not confirm it.

US President Donald Trump has threatened to further exacerbate the trade dispute and start taxing Chinese goods up to $ 400 billion ($ 8.9 trillion) if Beijing is to retaliate against US dues to start paying on Friday.