Uber Story Time (Urban Legend Flash Fiction Contest)

in #urbanlegendflash307 years ago (edited)

View though rear window of car in rain. Photo by Devon Janse van Rensburg via Unsplash.com

Hi Youtube! It's your boy, Blake, back again for another - Uber Story Time!
Everybody's got crazy stories about Uber drivers...
But we have stories about you too!

Okay, so, as you saw from the title of the video, this is why I'm taking a break from Uber. Maybe forever…

Warning, this gets a bit scary...

So, I pick up this super cutesy doll-type girl from this stuffy gated community- And when I say "doll-type", I mean the whole deal: Extreme makeup to make her face look like one of those Japanese cartoon girls; a dress that looked like it belonged on a doll (and really pushed the limits on "too short"); and this absurdly large purse that - I guess - was supposed to make her look smaller? I don't know...

Anyway, she didn't say anything... just got in, sat real still, and stared at me through my rear-view mirror for the whole ride. And when I say, "the whole ride," I mean:




Like, she was trying to memorise my face for a police sketch artist or something. I don't think she ever blinked either. I mean, I was mostly trying to focus on the road... but we're just going to say she never blinked.

Bottom line. This chick was effing creepy.

So, I was glad she actually paid for that long, expensive ride into the corn fields and left me in peace. But wait, that's not the end of the story. At the time, I thought it was... and - lemme digress for a moment – because maybe I caused this… Because, I genuinely thought: "Was this really enough for a Story Time video?"

Well, it was like the universe heard me... because I was jump-scared out of those thoughts by this car behind me smashing their horn. I check my mirror and see this crazed woman in the car behind me waving her arm and yelling at me and honking her horn.

At this point, I'm so annoyed by being scared like that, I don't even really remember what she was gesturing. I’m thinking this chick is crazy and wants me to speed up or something, so I stick my arm out the window and wave her around. Like, just go around, ya know? But she doesn't go around. She just keeps following me.

This kinda freaks me out, ya know? So, I speed up. And she speeds up! I take a right turn, she follows me! I take a left turn, she follows me again!

So, now, I'm thinking this is someone I drove before that's mad about... something? Or maybe an internet stalker that's figured out what kind of car I drive... I don't know! I just know she will not stop following me. But she wasn't trying to run me off the road or anything either... I'm telling you, guys, this was nuts! I was fully clenched.

Okay, so this woman is so dead-set on following me, right? That she follows me straight to the police station! I pull into the parking lot - I don't even park in a parking spot - I just put it in park, jumped out, and start calling out to the two cops coming out of the door of the police station: "This woman has been following me... she followed me from such and such place..." And you know they’re all, “Calm down, Slow down…”

At this point, she's gotten out of her car and she's already going too: "Officer! Please! There's a woman in the back of his car with a knife!"

Suddenly, the creepy doll girl I thought I dropped off pops out of my back seat and makes a run for it! Giant effing knife in hand!

She was gonna stab me, ya'll! Why?!

Oh man... let me take a breath...

Don't worry, they caught her.

I just... hm.

So, this woman I thought was mad or stalking actually saved my life. I mean, it probably helped that I stopped at a police station... But, damn.

So, apparently, according to the police, this is some kind of new initiation ritual… I don’t know if they mean into a gang or a cult… but apparently: One, they only target men. Gee, thanks. And two, she was supposed to kill me and bring back both my body and my car!

Apparently, they said, this is why Uber and Lyft drivers have been going missing…

This world ain’t right.


Thank you, guys for watching, I hope you enjoyed this video. If you did, please give it a big thumbs up. And make sure to subscribe, because I make new videos every Tuesday and Thursday.

That’s it! The End. Sweet dreams.

Written by @PegasusPhysics

When revisiting classic urban legends for one to give a modern retelling, I was inspired by a commentary (regarding this particular Urban Legend) from Barbara Mikkelson on Snopes that “the prey is always female and both the evil fiend and the rescuer are male — there are no exceptions to this typecasting.”

Well, now there is.

Thank you for reading! ^_^


Wow, this is good stuff. Great post 👍

Thank you! Happy you enjoyed the story! ^_^

jesus that's insane how does someone behind you see the knife?

Good timing? lol
I guess the doll-girl was making amateur mistakes and lifting the knife a bit too high. ^_^;

Good story but do not see the video! :-) Also what is the contest? I say this is false :-)

Thank you. This is a work of fiction written for the Urban Legend Flash Fiction Contest.
One of the prompts was to write a new take on an old Urban Legend .
There actually is no video, it's just that the main character/narrator is a youtuber telling their story in a story time video... as opposed to an in-person person. It was a bit of an experiment. ^_^

She sounded creepy! Good revision of a classic urban legend!

I'm not really sure what to say to this! Scary! It makes my time driving for lyft out in Oahu seem like a dream! Did she mean to dump your body out in the cornfield or something? Man, someone was watching out for you, other than the freaked out ol' lady following you hehe.

That's the mystery, isn't it? Despite this just being an urban legend, it's because of such urban legends that I'll probably never be any kind of driver (except my own). Just too risky for my tastes!
Thanks for reading, though. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Also, you should enter this contest too. ^_^

So many contests, so little time!! Hehe...

Ahhh, yes, the original version of this story (or at least the version I heard growing up in the 90's) is the sole reason I ALWAYS check my backseat upon entering my vehicle.... Which proved to be a bit more challenging when I was living in a motorhome, and turned into this whole "time to check under the bed" ritual everytime I re-entered the vehicle-house....

Great modern twist!

I like it! The style in which you wrote this makes it feel so real!

Thank you! I was hoping it would have that effect. ^_^

This gif made me smile ^_^


Terrific story! I love that you modernized the old tale and the way it was told in the kind of conversational tone a real YouTuber would use. And thank you so much for citing your inspiration for the gender switch, which was also really a breath of fresh air!

Thank you! I'm really glad you enjoyed it. The youtuber aspect was an experiment I wasn't sure would work the way I wanted... but I guess it did! Yay! :D

That one writer's gripe with the way the story is commonly told really pushed my decision to make a retelling of this one. So I guess critics should never stop complaining, lol.

Plus, if it's really true that there are no gender-swapped version, I couldn't resist the opportunity to be the first to do it! Oh... now I understand those commenters that only comment the word "first"...

Love it! Great voice and storytelling