Clinton Whistleblowers for Uranium One Scandal

in #uraniumone6 years ago (edited)

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Has General Flynn turned traitor to President Trump? Let’s filet the Trump/Russia red herring: it’s a cover up of “Crossfire Hurricane” SpyGate, bipartisan trafficking and “pay to play” corruption.

Independent investigative journalist George Webb warned Flynn of the set up: Flynn may end up as the fall guy but “they want to use Flynn again” so deep state is disguising their malevolence. Flynn himself doubtless believes he was just doing his duty.

Webb explains the original rationale: “If you’re going to enable a Marshall Plan for the Middle East, you’re going to need to surreptitiously and covertly send stuff to both sides in a parity type situation…. And I’m all with Mike Flynn in doing this.” Webb introduces the caveat: “At some point, Flynn starts seeing stuff going through and going, ‘Hey wait a minute, this is kinda getting out of control. But you’re the DIA guy” responsible for monitoring logistics. “You’re seeing [indicted shipping magnate and Democrat operative] Farouki (Anham) not take the US war matériel around to Karachi or wherever it’s supposed to go…. and trucking through Iran. And they say, ‘We saved money because of less trucking.’ No, all the ship has to do is go a little bit further to Karachi. It’s more time overland.”

Farouki’s Anham took the matériel to Bandar Abbas, a port controlled by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, so the Iranians could sort through it for “contraband” and help themselves to thousands of Piketown centrifuges, weapons for Quds Force, etc. The transparent ruse enables US deep state to sculpt Iran’s nuclear program, despite Iran’s state-sponsored terrorism against us and our allies.

Bob Levinson apparently remains detained in Iran as CIA’s key transaction agent of the nuclear deal.

It’s extremely unusual to interrogate a federal witness more than once or twice. Why did the Mueller witchhunt interview Flynn nineteen times? They were status update meetings. To ensure uninterrupted service to Iran, Flynn reportedly was compromised in Feb. 2014 by foreign agent Stefan Halper and, after March 2016, wiretapped as an informer. Now-fired FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, in early 2017, announced to FBI brass: “Fck Flynn and then we fck Trump.” Mueller is evidently going to give immunity to all the conspirators except the entrapped General Flynn.

[Redactions suggest that Flynn, in addition to aiding the Russia witch hunt, has helped Mueller in at least two other matters, one of them criminal.]

Election-fraud Dem Lieu rubs it in

Former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen is probably going to say Flynn gave him a “Peace Plan for Crimea” in exchange for the gossamer Trump hotel deal in Moscow. Flynn should not have signed a plea deal. President Trump’s best hope now may be to declassify the Uranium One, Flynn and Farouki trial documents and have Mueller release incriminating metadata such as how many people he wiretapped, dates of the meetings with Flynn, etc.

Webb tweets, "A year ago when I said Cohen and Bannon wore wires on Trump, i was called a conspiracy theorist. Now everyone agrees Cohen wore a wire including Trump. (Bannon soon). If you don’t look at modus operandi of the cabal, get ready to be submarined by them."

The Uranium One whistleblower Dennis Nathan Cain may even have been recruited by Flynn for the clandestine service. Then-Secretary of State Clinton’s Uranium One was intended to control Iran’s supply chain of yellow cake, her cabal sacrificing twenty percent of America’s uranium for a personal payoff of $145M. Dennis Nathan Cain was witness to those “classified crimes” from 2009 till 2016. Cain obeyed formal whistleblower protocol. He is still alive. His FBI raid may even be devised to establish his “street cred.” Note that Cain's lawyer is linked to cabal (Blackwater/Brennan). Time will tell.

In related news, George Webb filed a lawsuit against arguably the most powerful DC lobbying firm, the Podesta Group, then the firm folded after he served them subpoenas. Equally prestigious a firm are the Wexler/Walker lobbyists. Walker was in Congress and has aliases tied to Swiss bank accounts, useful in illicit financing. Webb says Wexler helped establish the Awan spy ring in Congress to exfiltrate secrets that facilitate Uranium One and “Operation Cassandra” drugs and weapons trafficking. The Wexler/Walker firm also just closed, possibly due to Webb’s legal actions.

Teneo Holdings Corporation was formed inside the Clinton Foundation to oversee the Iran deal uranium scheme, Webb surmises. So, for Dennis Nathan Cain to be a whistleblower for both Clinton Foundation and Uranium One, he was probably involved with Teneo.

The second Clinton Foundation whistleblower, Justin Cooper, configured the secure Blackberries and other secure communications with the Awan spy ring.

The first known informant, William Campbell, told Congress that Russians involved in the Uranium One deal bragged about bribing the Clintons. Former AG Jeff Sessions and Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein suggested the nuclear bribery case uncovered by Campbell is not connected to the Uranium One deal.

Indicted Mark Lambert on the other hand has undoubtedly given our "justice system" information on Obama's administration trafficking uranium.

In this clash of Titans, of course there are well-meaning psy-ops that argue that Gen. Flynn's latest actions are helping Trump.

Huber didn't swoop in to save the day

The author VC Bestor is
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