It's International Tell the Truth Day - 10 Truths and a Lie!
Tell the Truth Day!
July 7th is International Tell the Truth Day. To celebrate, I thought we'd play 10 Truths and a Lie!
@powellx5, my mom, is donating 1 SBD worth of @dustsweeper services as a prize! Thanks mom!
1] I was homeschooled.
2] I graduated college last year.
3] I've been to Disney World 5 times.

4] I'm allergic to some red food dye.
5] I showed up to school dressed in my p.j.s on the wrong day.
6] I'm left handed.

7] I was a cheerleader in jr. high.
8] I didn't get my driver's license until I was 21.
9] I'm legally blind.

10] I hate grape-flavored-everything.
11] I'm a citizen of the Cherokee Nation.