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RE: UpFundMe: First Aid Kit Supplies #1

in #upfundme6 years ago

I've put you on autovote for the Life Relearnt Project. It's not much, but this is the sort of thing I'm trying to support as you're working for your community. We're all going to need to help each other as much as possible, the way things are going and local community has to take priority.

Lots of love - minismallholding


Aw, thank you so much! Yeah, that's my feel, too. Everything is so uncertain in the world. Maybe things will turn out just fine and we'll pull back from the brink and transform into happy utopia land ...but also maybe things are going to have to get worse before they can get better. And things are hard enough as it is. Community is needed for sure.
I appreciate your support! <3