Dear Diary: My Life Is Funny But I Am Not Laughing About It

in #untalented7 years ago (edited)


I was talking about how pain-free I was a while ago because I really am and it made a great impact in my well-being as I could function in some of my basic functions already without grunting, groaning. and moaning much. I could also lift without much effort than before and I do not easily strain my joints with such a simple task like lifting something unlike before. Walking was also painful before because of my weakened joints in my feet but now they aren't painful.

But today I just sneezed a couple of times and I just felt a crack on my ribs as I sneezed. Along it is the pain and now I am in such an agony again and this is just what happened before many months ago and it is just torturous as I am having a difficulty in breathing because when I just inhale and exhale they would hurt.

Even lying on my bed now hurts. So it is just funny that this thing happens like I do not have the right to have a pain-free life and that I just have to be in a state of misery all the time. The funny thing is that I am having some breathing difficulty with breathlessness lately and this problem now arises where even moving my ribs because of injury makes it now painful to breathe even.

I just sent my parents to buy me some medicine for the pain because I want to be pain-free tomorrow as I am expecting a package that I may have to get myself from my bed to our house gate because my parents would go to the doctor and I will be left alone to meet the courier.

I was thinking that the courier of my package would arrive to deliver my item before my parents would come home because I will have to at least make it to our gate to receive my package myself which includes an effort to do and I don't want to have a painful walk to the gate and back. It is just a funny thing that I have to think about this seemingly negligible things but a problem that I would not even smile about. I just hope that my pain medication works but I just need some prayers, all the prayers in the world.


I am sad to hear the pain you experienced hope you get well soon @cryptopie

May God make you health Amen May be it is due to weather changing. You must called to your doctor and take advise from her ok

Hmmm... I'm not a Dr., but it's likely some sort of muscle strain that it causing your discomfort. Do you have access to a heating pad? That could help quite a bit and is medicine free, to boot!

Here's to hoping you are feeling more comfortable soon!

I can only pray that you will recover @cryptopie

Stay strong. I do not have an idea how much that feels but I know fellow patients who are on dialysis for awhile now tell me the same things, it's sad that we can't do about it. Sometimes, even the strongest of pain relievers does not work on them anymore. I guess that is really expected in the life of a kidney failure, I fear the day that I will have that. I can't even stand a toothache, how much more chronic body pains that won't let you sleep. I hope you feel better with the meds. Keep praying for God's miracle. Laban lang.

This is actually nothing funny at all. You are in constant sufferings and that is really depressing.
By the way, I guess the courier is bringing your new sim card you ordered for better internet, isn't? I hope your happiness should supersede your agony for a while. Best wishes.

Be patient buddy!
I’m sure you will fine a light after this darkness.

its really sad to know that you got a crack on your ribs. take your medicine properly friend and pray that you get well soon and the crack gets healed faster.

Try to be Happ my friend..... praying for you....

I am not happy to hear that you feel pain.Will get well in soonest time @cryptopie