Letter to My Unborn Grandchildren – Number 10 – Your Role is Defined by Your State of Mind

in #universe6 years ago

As we’ve discussed before, your mind is your personal connection to the universe. It contains the infinite wisdom of the universe and your success in life will only be limited by that which you are unable to conceptualize. Your energy represents your eternal existence, and your mind is the conduit for the shade of energy with which you wish to connect to the universe; be it positive or negative.

Both your grandmother and I grew up in negative energy households. Anger was directed at the haves; never understanding that all we needed to do was create something deemed valuable by others in order to connect with them on a positive energy wave. The key to living on an assured force of nature is to train your mind to exist on the universal level.

We are inundated on an hourly basis with propaganda that emphasizes the physical nature of our beings; which we know is severely flawed. We’re taught to worry about our weight, appearance, sexual orientation, race, religion, etc. Your happiness comes from within, regardless of the other attributes you’re “told” to worry about. Anorexia is a perfect example of those who continually chase an unattainable goal until they meet their demise. I don’t want that for you.

Parents live their lives unfulfilled and project those unfinished tasks onto their children; who project them onto their children, until the cycle is eventually broken. This is what I want for you. Infinite love and truth are within you, it is your job to understand what that means to you as a human and embrace it.

Those who control the physical world want you think of yourself in the smallest terms possible; defined by them. Your mood can be easily controlled by propaganda and triggered causing you to lash out at whomever they see as a threat. They want to drill your mind down from human>country>state>sex>race>sexual orientation>religion>city>neighborhood>house>car>phone. The list will continue to grow, if you allow it. The smaller the attribute with which you define yourself the larger the conflict between that and your universal self; and the greater the inner anger. I’ve experienced all of this myself, and wish to do so no longer. If you choose to be subservient to anyone that’s on you. Life is much more peaceful living with a mind-set anchored in the universe, looking down on the board game Risk that is the earth; seeing it for what it is.

Whenever I convey to your mother how much I love her, I no longer say, “I love you more than anything in the world.” I say, “I love you more than anything in the universe.” She is beginning to understand, at thirteen years old, the positive implications of that mindset. As a father, that provides a great deal of satisfaction.

When your mother was in seventh grade there came a time that I feared may happen. I honestly believe that it arose because she was listening to her friends at school. It certainly never came from your grandmother or me. She began to question her place in our family based solely on the fact that her skin color was different from ours. My response to her was that our relationship was not dependent on our DNA, but the manner in which our energies interacted. There is no doubt in my mind that our energies have been together in the past, and they will be so for eternity. As an added point of emphasis, I reminded her that your grandmother and I are not from the same family, but I love her more than anything in the universe. Effectively communicated with one’s child is what it means to me to be a good father and grandfather.

Remember, the energy you put out in the universe is what will come back to you. Karma is a boomerang.

Until we meet!

Love, Papa