Moral Truth is the Foundation and Measure of True Unity
The degree of truth, especially moral truth, that is embodied in each of our choices, actions and behaviors will be the measure and determinant for the degree of true unity, true freedom and true peace we can achieve collectively. Morality is the foundational baseline for true unity. All other differences are less significant. If we are more united with the moral truth of how to act and behave towards others, then we will be creating a more moral way of life.

Until we reach a certain level of comprehension of morality, unite with it in our thoughts, emotions and actions, we will not be able to truly create, lasting, effective freedom, peace and unity with each other. Morality is the key to opening a higher, realer and truer authentic way of life. Morality is the way and the path, the light that will lead us away from darkness. We must delve deeper into moral comprehension.
Morality leads to greater wisdom of right-action which lift us up. Right-actions support a higher consciousness way of life. Connection to moral truth is real knowledge, clarity, freedom and anarchy to live our lives free from master-slave dominating relationships with others. This is being a higher, realer and truer self. This is living a connected, united, integrated, and consistent way of life.

Violations of moral truth/law do not result in the production of true freedom, peace or unity. Violations, violence and aggression to others who are innocent beings, will only beget, generate and produce division, enslavement and conflict like war. We can't unite with others who are less moral when we are more moral. We need to educate others through our words. We need to get others to understand morality and it's importance for the quality and condition of life so that we can actually unite on the same page and level of being.
Truth and morality are inherently divided from falsity and immorality. Trying to force a united way of living when there is no aggregate unity in moral comprehension will not work. Trying to do this, to allow the immorality to continue around us for the sake of a false "unity", will only eat away and erode us from the inside. We can't be united with morality in our thoughts, emotions and actions, and live a connected and integrated life, if others around us are continuing to violate moral principles.
If we are divided from truth in reality, especially Moral Truth, we are in contradiction with how to live in unity, harmony, peace and freedom with others and will be creating immorality and falsity into the world, even if we are ignorant of what we are doing. Ignorance of morality has us living a lower, falser and inauthentic unrealer way of life.
Immorality and falsity leads to greater foolishness of wrong-action which weighs us all down. Wrong-actions burden us and keep us living in lower consciousness ways of life. Disconnection from moral truth has us living in ignorance, confusion, control and chaos that prevents us from living up to our potential, where we instead live as falser, unrealer and lower selves.
True unity, true "oneness", is based in being united and at on with the moral truth. If we are divided from the moral truth, we are not at one with it, and we are not at one with other beings who have the right to be free from us harming, violating and enslaving them. This is living a disconnected, disunited, disintegrated, inconsistent and contradictory way of life.
Ultimately, we are also not at one with ourselves, our potential truer, realer and higher selves, to act in accordance with a higher will-power within us, that can lead us to create a better world for ourselves and others. The path and way of truth and light, of moral truth, is not quick and easy. It has hardship and tribulations. It is strict and narrow in focus of dedication and arduous effort, not a wide array of convenience, ease, comfort, amusement, gratification, enjoyment and pleasure seeking. It requires care for moral truth and being devoted to upholding and bearing these higher principles in life, rather than seeking to live in baser carnal "feel-good" pleasure infatuations.

Truth and morality is not a heavy weight to bear, it is light as a feather and lifts us up to have us soar and fly higher, just as the Sun rises to higher consciousness living. The sun, light and truth feeds our higher consciousness living, granting us the symbolic "after life", "eternal life", and "immortality" of living in a "heaven" and "paradise".

Truth, morality, justice, authenticity and realer living is symbolized as the feather of Maat which is used as the measure of our lives. We judge, insult and offend ourselves by failing to balance ourselves with the feather of truth and morality.

Moral truth/law is the key to the higher knowledge of higher living, the knowledge of the wisdom of right-Action. We can't create real and lasting good, freedom, peace, anarchy and unity, if we are not aligned on the same moral page/level and are allowing immorality to continue to be lived by ourselves or others. Moral truth shines a light on the darkness of our way of life.
Where we put our time, energy and attention into, is what we will get more of. Time is limited in life. Truth takes time. What way of life are we creating?
Do we want more base carnal pleasure and self-gratification to "feel-good" about ourselves while we ignore what really matters to create the quality and conditions of life? Or do we want to put lower consciousness focuses aside and instead seek to elevate ourselves and all of humanity to a higher way of life based in understanding and living moral truth? The choice is ours.
Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.
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@krnel a very interesting topic, I mean, an affirmation is true if it matches the way the world really is. This is the common definition of the truth that we all know, it is only when it comes to moral truth that people change the definition, sometimes the human being instead of basing decisions on "what is right," the decisions are based in self-interest. When self-interest governs, this has a profound impact on behavior, especially how we treat other human beings. The notion of human dignity depends on the existence of objective moral truths.
From This is what I am
Yes, it can't just be blind self-interest, but self + others interest, concern for self + concern for others :)
Your post is always teaching me something,showing a new way of living life.Moral truth is a kind of thing which makes our life better,which helps us getting united with like minded people.Truth is a kinds of things which always give you inner pleasure.Thanks for the post.
The reality is that morality is very subjective, every living being has it's own ethical rules. There's no such thing as common morality. Various communities, whether organized in small societies, religious groups, countries, try to indroduce more formal morality codes - not always in line with everyone's beliefs.
Then explain how animals can recognize right and wrong, or dogs recognizing people being assholes and not sharing and stealing? doesn't everyone recognize what is good and bad, only some disregard it for feeling themselves?
Everyone recognizes what's good and what's bad. Just everyone's definition of bad and good is different. Sometimes only slightly different and sometimes hugely different.
You're still trying to allude that there's no such thing as Moral Objectivism because there might be a Semantic Argument. What's a Semantic Argument for a dog? So they recognize the same thing, but different? In other words, there's NO recognition and ONLY interpretation.
I don't believe in 'moral objectivism' at all . Also recognition doesn't negate interpretation and vice versa. Our receptors may receive the exact same signals, but interpret them differently based on many, many factors, like our past experience, knowledge, instincts, genetics, current hormones level, diet, mood, beliefs, environment, influecne and many more. Animals recognize what's good for them, same do people. I understand 'moral objectivism' as some general code which defines what's good and what's bad, like that killing is bad and feeding the hungry is good, and if so then this code doesn't apply to all living beings and therefore it's a failed theory.
If you(group) recognize the same thing but interpret it differently then it's not much Recognition and only Interpretation.
You can say so. No living being is able to recognize things as they really are, we only see the very limited spectrum of things, many signals received by millions of faulty receptors which are sent with whole lot of data loss to our brains which then mix and match these scrapage pieces of data and throw out some kind of reasoning back to our consciousness layer.
Except that's not how things work at all. Look up a monkey being able to recall 20 numbers on a screen after being flashed for 1 second and do it with 100% accuracy, in order. Your story of faulty receptors is intellectually lazy, and it still doesn't explain how everyone can recognize what theft, murder, rape, and all another kind of bad things, yet at the same time not really because it's all interpretive and not readily, instantly recognized.
Very in pity now. unscrupulous leaders
@Krnel... You always post interesting ideas, however this post is simply excellent AND Very timely, imho, as we continue globally into uncharted waters on many different levels...
As mentioned in The Wizard of Oz... "we're not in Kansas anymore."
Thank You for sharing Your thoughts...
Hope You're having a Good Weekend... Resteemed & Voted as Witness.
Cheers !!
wow your post is very beautiful and amazing thanks for sharing i always follow you for more thanks @krnel
Mistakes will not be true even if repeatedly announced, on the contrary, the truth will not be a mistake even though no one knows it.
Great post! Keeping it real.
"moral truth"
What is it ?
Who decides what it is ?