🔥 e7- PSA UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights supersedes the US Constitution

in #unitednatons2 years ago

If you sense that the United States Constitution is a footnote in history, your intuition is correct. The Constitution of the United States has been superseded by the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This is an artifact from The United States giving up its status as a government and country to the United Nations in October 1945.

The United States is a United Nations Member-Nation Franchise De Facto Corporation.

{Allen West Clip}

The United Nations doing business as the United States is a byproduct of the end of World War 2 and global domination by the Allies. Since 1948, the US Constitution has been prioritized as second to the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. UN dictates are passed through the Member-Nations which operates on “legal presences” as separate “artificial corporate persons” distinct from you as a non-legal natural person. The Legal Presence is otherwise known as the strawman.

As such, the highest law that applies to ` Legal Presences is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The United Nations is the single global issuer of legal presences to UN Member-Nations. It is a system where the original issued Birth Certificates are exchanged for member-nation immunity in operating the UN legal presence against us. All Police and Sheriffs globally are United Nations Armed Forces and operate on UN Legal Presences. As proof that the United Nations has taken over all Courtrooms across the United States and the globe, here is the Prosecutor for Washtenaw County Brian Mackie claim that his masters are the United Nations.

{master’s at the United Nations}

If you are not familiar with the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, here are a few important Articles as seen through the legal lense. It is the definitive document of human slavery. Everywhere we read the words “human” or “person” we should be interpreting it as “chattel.”

Article 3.
Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.
First, a person here is defined as a financial security and that it’s a right to be treated as a financial security- chattel. Then it says that the UN has the right to treat the financial security as if it were living and then they grant themselves the right to define the meaning of liberty of chattel.

Article 6.
Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law.
Meaning, everyone has the right to be converted into and treated as chattel, and particularly under UN laws and NOT the Member-Nations’ Constitutions, as the Constitution is left out here.

Article 8.
Everyone has the right to an effective remedy by the competent national tribunals for acts violating the fundamental rights granted him by the constitution or by law.
Justice has been outlawed across the globe, and all courtrooms have been replaced by United Nations Competent National Tribunals… which are not courts nor courtrooms. Every Judge is merely an United Nations Administrator of Legal Presences. The Constitution is made subservient to United Nations International law as the US Constitution does not grant rights… it only protects rights from government interference. Rights are inherent and not granted. This Article makes the US Constitution a footnote in history since the implementation of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948.

Article 15.
(1) Everyone has the right to a nationality.
Meaning, the United Nations grants itself the right to impose its member-nation legal presence franchise scam on nations and humanity.

All positive rights are merely benefits that can be taken away and which then must be argued in their fictitious and dubious UN Competent National Tribunals to regain. These Articles are not rights that the United Nations defends… The Universal Declaration of Human Rights truly is a list of benefits the United Nations has taken away from humanity.

Did you know that the United Nations has taken over all of New York City and is the Fourth Sovereign City-State next to the Vatican City, City of London, and City of Washington?

For more information see the e4- United Nations: The Fourth Sovereign City State of New York City

and e6- New York City Banks are UN Based, not US Based.

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United Nations- Universal Declaration of Human Rights: The Definitive Document for Human Slavery

55 Truly Stunning Facts about the United Nations