UnitedCrowd is Tokenize the World ~ Review

in #unitedcrowd4 years ago


About UnitedCrowd

A great Super Amazing Project. Looking very promising, Like this project always hit the moon trend. A super powerful project of The Future.Strong project with skilled and professional team members and it'll be very successful near future. The project includes many great things, great teams, great products, great ideas, great beginnings! We need products and ideas! I am sure that the company will gain a leading position in this world. everything is very clear to the project.

UnitedCrowd have the real use-case platforms which is the best thing of this project. The platform is the most useful part of this project which push UCT to a new height. The company is actively developing and will be able to help hold new promising tournaments, startups receive both financial support and even more users without traditional centralized restrictions! My opinion about the UnitedCrowd this will be the best in the crypto industry. The project is very promising for solution today and in the future.

UnitedCrowd provides you with a digital financing tool tailored to your needs. Our online platform enables you to acquire investors worldwide, attract customers and expand your community. We lead your company into the digital future – legally secure, individual and affecting the public. The resulting investment options are offered via the UnitedCrowd platform, which connects companies,investors and partners. The platform is packed with features that simplify digital investments and areeasy to use. For the storage and transfer of crypto values, the UnitedCrowd Multi Wallet is to hand forusers. The Wallet is connected to the platform via an interface and is also available as a separate app.

UnitedCrowd was founded by a team with decades of entrepreneurial experience, excellent industryexpertise and a strong network. In order to increase capacity, cover development costs and expand asquickly as possible on the international market, we have asoftcapof 200 Mio UCT.



Raising capital is a crucial prerequisite for the successful establishment of a company. No projectcan be implemented without sufficient financial resources. Financing is therefore a key to success.For companies, however, it is often one of the biggest obstacles since financing options of the oldeconomy are difficult to obtain and bear significant disadvantages. For example, it is almostimpossible for young companies to obtain bank financing without adequate equity ratio, andfinancing through venture capitalists means that significant ownership shares have to besurrendered. With the advent of cryptocurrencies, a promising way to solve this elementaryproblem has arisen:Tokenization.Tokenizationoffersdecisive advantages over establishedfinancing methods.



UnitedCrowd in response to the aforesaid problems. With a regulatory-compliant andresponsible tokenization, the business model offers a solution for financing difficulties of companies andneeds of investors alike. For the implementation of our solution a technical solution was developed,which is based on four dynamically connected pillars:TokenizationPlatform, Tokenization Framework,MultiWalletand the Community Token. To solve the difficulties of many companies in implementing acompliant and successfulTokenization, these technical components are supplemented by adaptiveservices.An integral part of our solution is the UnitedCrowd Community,a network of investors to whichwe offer active participation and access to exclusive investment opportunities.



The UnitedCrowd makes it possible to model financial products on theblockchain, digitize and automate the underlying processes and increase the speed of action. Smartcontracts are used to algorithmize allcontractual clauses that have so far been manually writtenand signed by the contracting parties with the help of intermediaries such as lawyers or notaries.

Token Advantage

  • Features - Numerous Features Possible
  • Types - Various Token
  • Wallet - Self Custody
  • Exchange - Tradable On Digital Exchanges
  • Compliance - Bestimmungen integrierbar
  • Transfer - Peer to Peer transmission
  • Transaction - Lower costs
  • Smart contracts - integration of self exexcuting

Different types of Tokens

  • Asset Token
    Liquid such as illiquid characteristics can be arranged as an Asset Token. The range consolidates everything from cash, land, essential metals or craft objects to hypothetical assets, for example, licenses or copyrights.

  • Equity Token
    Shares in the company and voting rights can be mapped in equity tokens. According to the same principles. tokens can represent share in funds.

  • Debt Token
    The Commitment Token handles commitment claims for payment of all contributions with or without interest. This range combines the types of protection, advancement and protection.

  • Utility Token
    The address token utility exercises rights and can offer induction to an association, product or organization.


  • Name : UnitedCrowd Token
  • Symbol : UCT
  • Type : ERC 20
  • Softcap : 200000000 UCT
  • Hardcap : 515000000 UCT
  • Total Amount : 800000000 UCT

Token Distribution


  • Sale : 515000000
  • Referral : 62500000
  • Bounty : 12500000
  • Airdrop : 37000000
  • Team : 113000000
  • Reserve : 60000000





At last, I want to conclude that UnitedCrowd has proper planning, roadmap and a definite achievable short term and long term goal to lead the project successfully adopting a mass network of people. I believe that this project definitely gonna have a great future as it focuses on solving the financial problem of people.
#unitedcrowd #exchenge #uct #blockchain

For More Info Visit :
Website: https://unitedcrowd.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UnitedCrowd/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/unitedcrowd_com
Telegram: https://t.me/UnitedCrowd
Medium: https://medium.com/@unitedcrowd
Whitepaper: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/kk5jokjr1y1jtdm/AAD_Yvj2dhA442_S3sHqHrwTa?dl=0&preview=UnitedCrowd_Whitepaper_en.pdf

Author :
My Bitcointalk Username: Kalpesh2872
My Bitcointalk Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2707027
ETH Wallet Address: 0xc1fB832B00920C8e8E1C7B7E69888B4Ef87fFC6c