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RE: So you want to be in a tribe?

in #ungrip7 years ago (edited)

Maybe we are meant to go a third way?
Something brand new instead of going back?

Anyway look I found this from 2014 Please read the last note on his affidavit and know I had courage once before my life fell apartaffitlol.jpg and I crumbled away trying to focus on being a mother.

He unfortunately misunderstood that I meant that, this world belongs to the creator and its wrong to take a home from a family who lost it due to having to be on sick leave and not getting EI in time, then to steal it again from the second family renting it hoping to have raised their kids their through a rent to own deal....
but its close enough and its on record.

I only opened up to tell you truth as it happened, to be shunned away.

I forgive you, and I'll always love you all...
Be it my ex husband, or friends who walked away.
I will always wish the best for you all even if it is not returned thoughts.

I understand its not easy, but now post move this healing wave needs to begin more then ever to prevent the bad corrupt butts want to diffuse from their own assholeness.

I hope we can unite again as a tribe but as distant seperate beings connected around the globe.

I would not have my life if not for him, so it is him I serve for being there in my time of need.
(weather you believe in this story I shared or not)
Thanks for all your work as always