In case you think I should see a doctor ...

in #ungrip6 years ago (edited)

This weekend I had a dear friend try to convince me to see a doctor.  While I love this lady to pieces, I found the request misguided and I feel moved to explain why that is so.  

In order to comprehend my position, it is very important to recognize and acknowledge that I AM the highest authority over my vessel.  I am a spiritual being in command of my vessel and as such, I refuse to give command of my vessel to anybody else, no matter how convincing their arguments should be.  Would a captain of a plane or boat turn over command to a passenger, stranger or even to their mother?  Of course not.  Only a higher authority could force them to surrender their vessel.  My higher authority is Creator and that would usually require separating my spirit from my vessel (death) to make that happen.  

A doctor is granted a license (feudal tenure) from his / her feudal master (the state) in order to practice medicine.  That same doctor is also given legislative instructions to report what he finds to his master.  He / she is given the power of being an investigator which is police powers and he / she must report what they find to the state.  

While I acknowledge that the doctors are very good at diagnostic and emergency medicine, they absolutely fail when it comes to health.  They focus on the physical vessel and ignore the emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of who we are.  It is no different than a mechanic constantly changing the tires and fixing the front wheel alignment without talking to the driver, examining how he / she treats the vehicle, exploring the roads that they travel on or whether they are spinning donuts in the parking lot each night.  It is also an observation that their skills at diagnostics are deteriorating as cracks within the system start to increase in size.

A doctor was granted authority over people.  That is why they can give 'orders' to people and use the courts or police to enforce those orders if necessary.  Violent and abusive!  Doctors order staff and patients all the time.  Has anybody else recognized this?  If I go see the doctor, then I must surrender my sovereignty.  I refuse to do that.  Yes, I still have the power of consent to accept or deny his / her orders, but I cannot escape their legislative duty to their master to report.  

I AM the highest authority

When it comes to the health and well being of my vessel, I AM the highest authority.  It is and always will be 100% my responsibility to ensure my vessel is healthy.  It is also completely within my jurisdiction to engage in risk or do as I please with my vessel.  Any interference with that is a violation of my sovereignty and violent!  My vessel is sacred as it is the seat for me, a spiritual being, while I'm experiencing life on this physical world.  I am a divine being and my vessel is sacred!  I refuse to surrender authority to anybody else.  If a doctor was willing to help me in the private, no attachments to the state of any kind, then I would entertain that level of assistance.  However, who's to say his knowledge or experience is any better than my own or those that are already helping me?

Just because I don't see a doctor does not mean I'm not receiving help!  I have an amazing team of people around me who are helping me heal physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.  This team of healers have skills and modalities that are not offered by the allopathic system.  If I die, I refuse to blame these individuals either as I AM 100% responsible for the health and well being of my vessel.  In some ways, trying to convince me to see a doctor is an insult to the professionalism, skill and experiences of my team AND me!  

What about my wife or my kids?

Yes, that question actually came up and I want to be perfectly clear in my response.  I love my wife and my two boys very much.  However, I will not sacrifice myself just to appease them or their fears or insecurities.  I find this question to be a covert violent attempt to induce guilt or shame in order to manipulate me to take actions that appease the one asking this question.  I love my friend dearly, but this question crossed the line.  This is about my own health and if that means that I will die as a result, then my family and friends will have to deal with their own feelings about that loss in their lives.  The choice is mine, not theirs.  To use the allopathic system to extend my life is not a good death and violates my spirit.  I find such a premise selfish and violent.  Why are we so afraid of death?  I wrote a blog post a few months back about death.  Perhaps it is time to revisit it.

I've done everything I can to provide for my family.  My death is a part of that process and I'm not afraid to experience it.  I'm not afraid of the idea of my wife or children dying either.  Yes it would be painful and I would miss them dearly.  But how selfish would it be for me to force the medical system onto them to extend their life artificially just so that I can get a few more days with them?  What if I'm preventing them from moving on so that they can get onto their next spiritual mission?  I will work very hard NOT to force my will upon others in that way and I ask that I be provided the same courtesy as well.  

I took this approach with my dad.  He went the doctor route and it ended up killing him.  I have no doubt that the chemo, radiation and all the other treatments killed my father.  But I hold no ill will against him, my mom or even the doctor & medical system.  It was his choice and I respect him for making that choice, even though I disagreed with it.  He needed to go through that experience as it was part of his life journey.  I shared my views and he rejected them.  That is the end of it and now I experience the process of mourning him as he passed away nearly 5 years ago.  

I know lots of people who do not think or believe the way I do.  They have no issues with using force or coercion to sick the medical system onto somebody because they are sick, ill or dying.  Are we so fragile and out of touch with our feelings that we want to avoid the pain of loss or death?  What could possibly justify using force or violence against others, especially when it comes to matters of health which are most likely manifested out of violence already?  How about we break the violence cycle and allow people to heal in peace without the coercive, violent nature of the state or it's medical system?

Are we so afraid of death that we work to avoid it at all costs?  People are willing to use all kinds of chemicals, poisons, vaccinations and a whole list of pharmaceutical drugs and crap to avoid death, despite all the side affects to life.  People are also so afraid of death that they don't live either!

I want to live and that requires having a slow dance with death!

For most of my life I was leading that dance.  There were moments when death took over and started to lead.  It is those moments that brought me back to the realization that I was having this dance with it.  Right now, death is leading and I am reminded once again that I need to take notice and make sure that I find the health I need in order to take over and start leading again.  We are all dancing with death.  How we dance will determine how long our life is but also how vibrant, alive and engaging that dance is.  Death is not a destination but a companion along this journey.  We cannot have life without death as they are in an integral partnership throughout the journey.  

Let me put this another way

When we breath in, why are we not afraid to breath out?  After all, we are expelling the very air in our lungs that keeps us alive?  Yet we have no anxiety about breathing out.  Why?  Because there is a very good change that we can breath back in for our next breath.  We have done it our entire lives but yet at any given moment, we could end up having our last breath.  It will happen at some point.  There is no avoiding it.  So why is it that we have no fear of breathing out?  

This life is but one breath in the whole scope of spirit.  Just as our bodies breath in and out hundreds of millions of times in a life time, our spirit could have hundreds of millions of life times.  Why are we so afraid to move from one life time to the next?  If we decide to make the best of each breath, our fear of death will diminish. When our fear of death diminishes, the control that the slave masters have over us goes away too.  Why?  Because they use our fear of death and pain against us.  When we shed our fear of pain and death, we end up freeing ourselves.  

In my view, the doctor question is rooted in fear of pain and death.  Why do I not see a doctor?  Because I don't want to live in fear or pain any longer.  I'm done with that shit and I thought I made that very clear in my blog, writings and the way I live my life.  Look past your own fear and pain.  Ask yourself why you would want me to see a doctor and question yourself if it is based on your own fear or out of genuine love as you feel I'm not being responsible or accountable for my life.  If it is the later, then you better make sure you know exactly what I'm doing before asking the question!  

I forgive my friend for asking the question.  I know what it is life to feel helpless around people that you love.  I see her fear and pain.  I really do.  I pray for her and those who feel that way.  


Bless you brother, in whatever your spirit & vessels journey is. I am so grateful for the gifts you have shared, and given me, and I'm sure I would miss your physical presence in my life. You are totally free from any expectations from me, as all that you have given me are always part of me, whether you walk with me physically or in my memory, through me in deed, vision, or energy, or elsewhere in spirit, you will always be here, I feel that so fully that it would carry me through any fear or grief.
I send love, and compassion to those who love you, and still feel that fear, as it also is a powerful presence, and present.

I have been having a dilemma with my son and the doctors recently. As you know he was diagnosed with ADHD, Tourettes and various other things in the past. The doctors had him on all kind of medicines and I eventually took him off them all due to the adverse effects on his mental health. We then had a battle with the school system, because they reported me for NOT drugging my son with their prescribed speed! Anyway, that is the past. I now have a situation with my son where he keeps passing out. he has turned 13 and has had a huge growth spurt, like he must have grown a foot taller during the school holidays! This weekend, he passed out and banged his head quite badly. Obviously I took care of him and watched him to make sure there was no concussion, but he has been left with a lot of bruising and scrapes on his face. He went back to school yesterday and of course, the first thing for school to do was contact me and ask if I had taken him to see a doctor. I had pre-empted this, so I had already called our local GP and informed them of his dizzy spells( I don't trust the system at all now and live in constant fear that they will try and take my son away). My GP did not want to see him, they wanted me to take him to A&E!!! The fall happened a couple of days before, so I was unsure as to why they wanted me to take him to the emergency room, I just wanted him assessed for the dizzy spells going forward, but it looks like they want it on record that he has had a head injury. :/ the dance with the system continues. I didn't take him to A&E as it was not an emergency situation, but I have booked him in to see the GP next week for a checkup, just to cover my back and make sure they don't report me for trying to hide the fact he had an accident. It is so sad that I see this dance being played out before my eyes :(
sending continued Distance Reiki healing to you <3

The more I experience the school system and the more I read, the more I see we as parents are removed from our own parental rights over our children. It is sad that we cannot find proper help without fingers pointing us as bad parents. Shoving it down our throats. Instead of expecting us to do good by our kids they expect us that we don't and violently push unto us on what is non of their business. I hate it.
I hope things get better for you and that you find the answers needed to help your boy.
I don't know if this will help you, but perhaps in a way to bring peace to your mind in some way... I want to a First Nations shop over the summer holiday and found answer feathers. I bought one and gifted it to a dear friend of mine. Made her very happy :) Perhaps the right questions may give you solace in your journey. I wish for the best for you all.

My dear friend;

I'm so sorry to hear of this struggle with the school and the doctors. This just points out exactly what I'm talking about in my own post as the doctors AND teachers both have a statutory duty to investigate and report which means they were granted police powers. The sad part is that most people don't realize this and they do in fact have the right NOT to talk to the police, which includes teachers and doctors.

If you want some help, I may be able to offer you some info. I did help a friend fend of CPS a while back and if I taught you some of the strategies, you could at least contemplate some of them for your own case to help protect your son and you! E-mail me at white dot walking dot feather at gmail dot com and we can take this conversation private to work out those issues.

Thank you for the distance healing. I do feel that the physical modalities that I'm taking are helping and I feel the spiritual / energetic modalities that people are sending are working as well. thank you!!!! <3

Home educate him and find out what he likes most and capitalize on it...see if he likes drawing/painting (buy him a set of crayons). butterflies (buy him a colorful book of butterflies ...) ... you get it? educate him and help him evolve in what he is! If you are busy try to find people that can help you...he will thank you later...
God bless and protect you and yours

I would like to start by saying my morning event that will tie in with your post.
I had quite a discussion with my husband this morning about medication. I don't recall exactly how it started but we talked about homeopathics. Since learning about natural healings, I have been going that way for my kids. And so the argument started by my husband saying that homeopathics are just sugar pills and there is no proof that they work. I like to think he is uneducated about it and I know for myself that I still lack some knowledge but going with my heart and gut feeling, this is the way to go. It was hard for me to have this discussion with my own life partner because it feels like he has little faith in what I try to do. He keeps to pharmaceuticals and that is his choice. It just hurts to hear him say that the rest is all for nothing when I am trying to do best by our kids. Trying to grow a medicine garden, venture the woods and collect what is given to me in order to heal the little things I can in my ability, has taken some time and to hear that it is good for nothing.... I think it is much harder when it is like this in a relationship as he does not have my support for his drug taking for aches and pains as I do not have his support for natural plant medicines for aches and pains. Yet we respect and let each other do what we do. It makes it hard for me to care for his health when I know what he is doing is just destroying himself even more. I cannot be heard. I don't want to convince I just want to teach, have understanding, share etc.

So I think that I was meant to fall upon your post this morning as a reminder that what I do for myself is for me and that no one can take that away. I must stand strong no matter the guilt trips people send my way even if it is my husband, mother, father, sister, best friend, neighbour, whatever. Because you are right. You know for yourself what is needed and no one can make that decision for you. Manipulation is there and people do it without even knowing it. I do it without even knowing it, hoping people would tell me though so I can correct it.
The most we can do is live the best we can in the way it feels right. Respect others in what they do. But not just live, really live, feel life and be connected to it. It is a gift. Open up our spirits, our minds and our hearts to feel the sacred power we all have. Love in and for all beings and mother earth. <3 Thank you for this reminder and I really hope for you that you can carry your journey the way you are meant to.

I used to be like your husband. I too thought homeopathy was a bunch of hooey. But I kept an open mind and saw what it could do. It did miracles for my son and so I started reading up on it, especially when my wife started her studies to become a homeopath. It was astounding the attacks that people like Samuel Hahnemann experienced as his simple treatments embarrassed the allopathic system. Yes, ego and greed does indeed have a role to play in the efforts to dismiss or even discredit the accomplishments of the modality. Here is an excerpt from a book written about Hahnemann's life where it describes his success in treating a plague pandemic in the 1830's and the reaction it got from the current medical system at the time. The science is indeed there, but to acknowledge it would require that we also examine our current medical system at the same time. It is a sacred cow and most people will defend it to the death if necessary.

What most people are also not willing to admit, is that the Royal Family uses homeopathy and there are places like India where homeopathy is the mainstream medical system. The pharmaceutical industrial complex has done everything they can to ensure homeopathy and other healing modalities do not take root here because it is bad for business. One cannot make money on health care when people are healthy.

Just keep walking the path my friend. It will shift and hopefully over time, your husband will 'see' the results from your efforts. The fact that you have that mutual respect for one another and that he is not trying to force his will against you is a positive and enlightened position to take within a relationship. Keep up your studies and efforts. They will pay off in the long run. Of that I am sure. <3

I learn so much from you and with @earthmother as my teacher, I know that I will have the power to do this right.
I didn't know about the Royal Family. The so called leaders not even diving in to what they want us to believe. That is funny. If my husband would be willing to just learn about it more today than from what he learned years ago, I would be grateful. In time, with new knowledge our opinions can change or stay the same. I would love for him to give it that chance. For everyone to give the chance to learn. Have an open mind and not be stricken to a controlling government telling us what is right rather than actually knowing what is.
This whole thing with vaccines and schools. Putting pressure on whether I should or not. I have avoided the problem last school year although they sent me letters about it. But then getting other parents, even my half sister, saying that my kids needed to be vaccinated because their children react to it and it would save them. How to I react to that? It is like manipulation using children yet I don't know everything about it. Do I vaccinate my kids and put them at risk to help save another person's child? Will not vaccinating actually harm another person? What if I don't vaccinate and my child gets really sick and I don't have that ability to heal and the whole big problem with CPS jumping in and I'm being sued for neglecting my kids? It makes one person very lost. It makes me lost. I don't know how to dance with this one. It is definitely a twirly, dizzying one.
Thank you for the link. I will take the time to read it :)

My dear friend, perhaps it is time for me to write a post about vaccinations and that whole circus. You were a witness to how Tammy dealt with CPS. Did you get a chance to see the letters and how to put the burden on them rather than it being on you?

I did. I was with her the whole way as much as I could. Your help has me forever grateful.
Yet it is still scary what they do. I am also witnessing everything they are doing with my(other) sister and her family. Granted that some of it being quite her fault, they still don't stop. Now trying to put it in the minds of the children that their mother no longer loves them. Trying to separate her and her boyfriend in order to investigate whether the problems that happened with his son were also done with the father included. Threatening my sister to take away her baby if she doesn't leave over a single complaint without a background. It is chaos.
Seeing what it did to Tammy and Avia... it breaks my heart as the aftermath was hard as well.

I would love to read a post about vaccinations. There are so much we don't know and it is hard to find good solid websites to count on. It is like the information is hidden from us who don't exactly know how to get it properly (?). So much fake things being put out there in order to make us feel good... I saw a video of a Dr. that stated that he stopped vaccinating. He was against them. At the end he said that if you decide to still vaccinate, pretty much overdose on vitamin C. Is that right? Can that be true? or is it just a way to get us to vaccinate anyways and feel safe? So many lies, so much manipulation, so many things that are unsure, so many if's.
So if you do write a post, I would be honored to read it and gain knowledge from it. You are a person that I feel I can trust. I don't want to make it so that I am asking you to because I have no right to take your time, but in a way, I kind of am asking because I am so lost. And in no way do I want to hurt my kids and put them in danger.

You are the Captain of your ship. How you steer through the journey that is life is your divine right. Our physical being is only one part of who we are. We are spiritual beings as well. How we treat these as a whole is up to us. I have no trust, faith or belief in the medical profession and I used to be part of the system that rankled against my spiritual being. I could not make the two, physical and spiritual come to terms. The system was wrong. You are correct when you say we fear pain and death. To many, it is the fear of the unknown that spurs them to want to send us where we have no wish to go. Learn to embrace the unknown because that is how we move forward.

I hear you my friend, I would do exactly the same, I have spend the last 15 years of my life taking back control of my health and my well being. Like you have said their is next to none holistic care provided today, yet how can you successfully treat the physical without acknowledging the emotional and spiritual. I would not feel comfortable handing over my power, my body to a health professional.
If there is anything any one of us can do to help or support you in any way please reach out to us, there are a lot of people on here with a lot of knowledge for natural self empowered treatments. I will keep you in my thoughts, please keep us informed xxx

You are already doing it, supporting me by engaging with me when I have the energy to write. Your support means a great deal to me. I am surrounded by a great team of individuals and I thank you for your offer to help more. I feel supported by the people here tremendously!

I am in your corner on this one, if you need anything that I can provide, please let me know.

I agree with your point 100% and respect you greatly for sticking to your convictions.

My brother was recently in the hospital and the amount of BS he had to deal with, pills he had to give back to the nurse and doctors he had to tell no to (luckily they honoured his wishes). It is a circus and patients are at the whim of the people in charge. They wanted to put my brother on a pill, for the rest of his life, that killed his immune system... that sounds absolutely absurd to me.

Olivia's dad died a similar death to your dad. Killed by cancer 'treatment'.

Blessings to you for improved health.

Thank you for the reminder!

@wwf you are in charge of your vessel, and no one should balckmail you into doing things that don't appeal to it.

Also you will not die, God will restore health unto you...Amen

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