Eye Dropper, A Handy Google Chrome Extension

in #uncategorized7 years ago (edited)

Eye Dropper

Heh folks,

Hope you are all well… So have you every created some artwork and struggled matching the colours up ? Yes !!!

Then I would like to introduce you to a Google Chrome Extension tool called:

Eye dropper

So if you are not already a Google Chromeuser, I would recommend you become one. There are so many good FREE extensions out there to help you, with so many different things…

Just >> Click Here << to download for free.

Once you have downloaded Google Chrome or if you are already a user then you are ready to get your extension.

To get the extension click on the image and it will add it to your chrome:

Eye Dropper

Now why is this so good??


Eye Dropper allows you to hover over any colour that appears on your screen and captures the RGB value for you to colour match for artwork..

So when is this handy Kelvin??

When you are creating content of any kind that has artwork where you are trying to keep congruency, there is an example in the video below.

So I hope you found this tool handy. If you want to sign up and start using Canva for free then click the logo below:

Please see my Canva guides >> Here <<

Have fun and any questions you can contact me

Have a great day all.

