Crea artesanías con "citas de @surpassinggoogle". Cita #1
Thanks @surpassinggoogle and @samic for the Organization of this contest
Here I present my entry
Used materials:
- Shells of Guacuco and Chipi Chipi
- Beans Grains
Gracias @surpassinggoogle y @samic por la Organización de este concurso
Aquí Presento mi entrada
Materiales Utilizados:
- Conchas de Guacuco y Chipi chipi
- Granos de Frijoles
Paso a Paso
Reglas del Concurso:
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so beautiful you stack your friends.
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These Shells of Guacuco and Chipi chipi look fantastic in this wonderful quote from our boy Terry!
Mountains of Thanks for joining the fun, wonderful handscraft.

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