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RE: RIP power supply...

in #ulog6 years ago

Hmm. Is lighting striking your house or is it an overload issue? (Nit sure how you call them in english) maybe check the "safety switches" that flip when theres some kind of power surge.
Its either your wiring or the safety switches arent working correctly.


It might be something of the sort, now that you mention it the local power company did offer to install something with a similar name a while ago, but I remember it being expensive.

I dont know what exactly you put in your houses since i know we dont use same sockets in Europe or have the same voltage? i think...
But you have to have something like this.

If you have the old kind, that might be the problem since when we replaced the old ones now we have 0 issues. They are super sensitive and just flip on any power surge.

we got those, yeah... breakers... but I suspect ours might be fakenewsing us, they are old too..

Breakers in the U.S. are not surge sensitive unless you use GFI breakers, and those are not designed for surge protection.

hrmmm good to know...

that explains a lot