What an interesting night, right?

in #ulog6 years ago (edited)

Like many others I had the hardest time falling asleep, just thinking about what went wrong had my mind racing in ways it reminded me of the accidents that happen in Nascar.

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I would like to thank all the witnesses who stayed up until very late keeping the FUD down to a slow cook. I mean, no way of avoiding absolutely everyone from panicking, but they did the best they could and it made a huge difference.

I'm reading right now, with no caffeine in my veins exactly what happened, the culprit's username, and my batman instincts are tingling big time. I'll do some research myself, because I think I remember that "user" trolling haejin at some point in time. Maybe, the person who did it, thought he/she could get away with it, and it was not an attempt to find a bug in the slightest.

Today to clear my mind, I'm going to have a good meal to start my day, and think of a video I can do for #ulog . As I find the whole idea behind it fantastic and worthy of supporting.

Check this out... Since I've posed a question on the title of this post, the little magicball bot is going to show up. So, I'll ask you... should I flag it? Its a bit annoying, don't you think?



Hah! I was sleeping during the outage and by the time I woke up everything was fine, so I had no clue! No panic for me either :)

well, that worked out great for you! hahahah

Reading about all the work that the witnesses had to put in to fix the problem made me realize how I've been taking them for granted. I only made two witness votes the in the year that I've been here. Now I've partially fixed that issue and used up at least a third of my votes.

They are busting their butts to make this platform work. The least we can do is vote.

With the exception of a few, I thought the community acted like champions in the face of a crisis.

I hope that those speculating on motives will be clear that it is just speculation unless and until there is evidence.

The blockchain broke, the witnesses fixed it. Little harm was done. Today we carry on. We don't need to add any drama.

I thought most people held their cool, and calmly awaited information. It was pretty fabulous!

Yes, no doubt, the witnesses shined... this reminds me of this thing I heard someone say once a long time ago. Communities are crash proof, the community was strong enough to endure this bump in the road. Hence why I'm so grateful for the role the witnesses played.

Regarding adding drama, i'll probably keep speculations to myself, unless i find solid evidence. I've managed to uncover things before, I'm never the one to release them, but I've done so, only when I've found hard evidence.

I slept through it too lol

btw I just upvoted you, and the amount changed to $4.20....it's a sign!

i can read that in a few different ways!!! hahaha

I missed everything last night. The meeting, and apparently all this downtime... When I came home I tried to upload a post, got some error, and immediately turned off my screen and went to bed... When I woke up everything was working again, so no panic here :-)

Right now listening to Clay's voice in the recording of the meeting: his voice is mesmerizing indeed ;-)