# Ulog 2 | Today, A Great Day To Dance To The Rhythm Of Happiness.

The morning of today when I opened my eyes I noticed a strange sensation, there was a smile painted on my lips, and in my chest an emotion that I could not understand. That feeling that something good is happening, but in reality everything was the same as always, everything was the same as yesterday. I felt the need to find out why my euphoria, but when trying to find a reason I thought "There is nothing extraordinary, nothing different from the past, but there is so much to celebrate, there are so many reasons to smile (Freedom, health, my family , the whole life) I should not look for a reason when there are really hundreds, I should simply enjoy this wonderful feeling.
I took a bath and managed to get out, let go of my hair, and I put on my face, but my best accessory, without a doubt, was my smile, my face was illuminated, it was a real, natural, authentic smile, a smile that came from the soul I felt beautiful without anyone telling me, I felt loved despite not having heard a "I love you" for several days. Then I looked in the mirror and said "you are beautiful and I love you", incredibly the feeling of well-being intensified and I let out a laugh.
Strangely when leaving the house the sun shone with more intensity, my senses seemed to be at maximum, I felt the wind in my face, the heat of the sun, the smell of the sea, so long ago that I did not pay attention to those little details.
I felt that no matter how much chaos there is in the city, it does not matter if the traffic is terrible, if it rains and I do not have an umbrella, it does not matter all the pending work or the situation in my country. Today I got up happy because that's what I decided and that only shows that I can choose when and how to be happy.
I have the ability to satisfy my need to be happy. I do not have to wait for some external element or event to influence me. I will not stumble over happiness when walking on the street, nor will I find it as if it were a coin that someone lost and I will be lucky enough to find. Happiness is in me and I can take it out whenever I want.
Try it and you will see how wonderful it is when your sun shines with or without gray clouds.
Every day we should take a minute to feel the wind in our faces, to tell ourselves how much we love and value ourselves, to say "I love you" to the important people in our lives, to value the positive things around us. I assure you that even in the worst moments there is something that can make you smile. You are free to explore within yourself and find that something, and it is probable that there is not one reason but thousands.